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10+ Best Air Quality Monitors – What You Need to Know

After reading many reviews on air quality monitors, I’ve become quite frustrated with the lack of what I would consider ‘quality’ reviews. While there are ample reviews of air quality monitors – especially those such as the AirVisual Pro or Airthings View Plus – very few seem to focus on the most critical aspects of these devices, such as accuracy.

Since I have extensive experience with air quality monitors after running this website for over four years, I decided it was time to write an article discussing my picks for the best. In this article, I will cover the best choices for each situation, no matter your budget or whether you want an indoor, outdoor, or portable air quality monitor.

Before we start, I want to clarify that I’ve only included devices on this list with which I have personal experience. I feel that it’s disingenuous to include any monitor that I haven’t personally used. For this reason, there are some notable exceptions from this list. Of course, I’ve purposefully excluded some monitors because I don’t believe they deserve a place. However, some air quality monitors were excluded simply because I haven’t tried them yet.

Notably, I have yet to try any monitors from Awair, Temtop, and a couple of other major brands. While they may well deserve a place on this list, I do not feel comfortable including them without personal experience. If you are interested in monitors from these brands I haven’t tried yet, I share some thoughts on my forum.

BreatheSafeAir Award
Award Logo
Best User Experience
Qingping AQ Monitor

With a beautiful display, this is the best standlone indoor AQ monitor.

* This link may be an affiliate link. I can earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

BreatheSafeAir Award
Award Logo
Best Enthusiast
AirGradient ONE

An indoor air quality monitor with great performance.

* This link may be an affiliate link. I can earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

BreatheSafeAir Award
Award Logo
Best Outdoor
PurpleAir Zen/Flex

With dual-PM sensors, this monitor emphasises accuracy.

* This link may be an affiliate link. I can earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you.

If you want to learn all the ins and outs of any given air quality monitor on this list, please refer to the full reviews I have linked. While this article will compare many monitors and give a good overview, I have far more detailed information in the individual reviews, which you can peruse to find the perfect monitor for your needs.

It’s also worth noting that this list only contains consumer-grade air quality monitors that are < $300. While there are many more professional-grade monitors out there, these aren’t in the same market segment as the monitors on this list. Thankfully, we’ve seen many fantastic, low-cost monitors emerge over the past few years. Even better, many of these low-cost monitors perform very well and accurately.

While $15 monitors such as the IKEA Vindriktning aren’t yet monitors that I can recommend, it’s fantastic to see air quality monitoring becoming increasingly accessible. You’ll need to pay at least $50 to get an accurate monitor, but just a few years ago, you needed to pay at least a couple hundred. In a few years, I hope this price drops even further so that everyone can access the tools needed to make decisions regarding air quality. With that said, let’s jump right in!

This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please refer to my affiliate disclaimer

Information on this blog is for informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information herein with other sources. Furthermore, this information is not intended to replace medical advice from professionals. This website assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, which is subject to change without notice.

Do I Need an Air Quality Monitor?

Qingping Air Quality Homescreen

If you’re already aware of why an air quality monitor is such an important device, feel free to skip this section and continue below. However, if you’re just being introduced to such monitors, you may wonder why you even need one. After all, an air quality monitor isn’t an insignificant investment.

When it comes to the impacts of air pollution, it’s essential to differentiate between different pollutants. For example, fine and ultrafine particles such as PM2.5 and PM1 impact our health differently than volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Even carbon dioxide can have significant health impacts!

So, how does air pollution impact our health? Both outdoor and indoor air pollution can lead to various conditions, such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, allergic reactions, and more. It’s even been proven that poor air quality can decrease life expectancy!

However, poor air quality is far more insidious. Ultrafine particles have been found to decrease cognitive performance, cause (or at least worsen) depression, and, in the worst cases, potentially lead to suicide. Of course, these are the most severe impacts, and we aren’t likely to experience these outcomes.

What is more worrying and more applicable to most people reading this article is the short-term impact of air pollution. High concentrations of fine dust and carbon dioxide have decreased cognitive performance and cause drowsiness. On the other hand, VOCs can easily lead to headaches, nausea, and loss of coordination.

Whether outdoors or indoors, air pollution can impact you physically and mentally. Therefore, keeping track of pollutants and knowing what we are breathing at any given time is highly beneficial. Although air quality monitors aren’t perfect, they are the best tools currently available to monitor local air quality levels.

Features to Look For in an Air Quality Monitor

Man holding Breathe Tech monitor

Trying to find the best air quality monitor can feel overwhelming. However, while there are many options, few likely have the exact features you’re looking for on such a monitor. Knowing what to look for makes choosing the perfect monitor significantly easier. Below is my list of the minor ‘nice to have’ features I am looking for, followed by the most important features.

Nice to have features:

  • Updateable (with regular updates)
  • Compact size
  • Configurable alarm/threshold notifications
  • Rechargeable battery
  • Type-C USB connection
  • Data sharing
  • Data logging
  • Data exporting

1. Essential Sensors

uHoo App

Pollution sensors on the uHoo air quality monitor.

The first and most important consideration you’ll want to make when purchasing an air quality monitor is what types of sensors you need. Nearly every air quality monitor will have a PM2.5 sensor, but everything else will depend on the monitor in question.

So, how do you decide what sensors are essential? Well, I hate to say this, but it depends. If you are only interested in monitoring particulate pollution, you’ll want to look for a monitor that provides PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 readings. However, if you’re looking for a complete indoor air pollution monitor, you’ll want a VOC sensor, as VOCs tend to pose a more significant threat indoors than outdoors.

Personally, I also feel that a CO2 sensor is almost essential for me to consider any indoor air quality monitor. While CO2 is generally less harmful than particulate matter and VOCs, it significantly impacts my productivity. Therefore, I always look for indoor air quality monitors that measure CO2 alongside other pollutants.

Some monitors also feature additional sensors for radon and carbon monoxide. However, it’s important to note that for these, you will want products certified by the relevant authorities, as these pollutants are far more dangerous in both short and long-term exposures. Therefore, I tend to rely on dedicated sensors for these two pollutants.

While it’s hard to pinpoint precisely what sensors you should be looking for, below is a table with my criteria for considering a monitor. Of course, your needs may differ.

Air Quality Monitor TypeEssential SensorsOptional Sensors
OutdoorPM1.0, PM2.5, PM10PM1, NOx, O3
IndoorPM2.5, VOCPM1, PM10, CO2, CO
PortablePM1.0, PM2.5, PM10NOx, VOC

2. Good Accuracy

Air Quality Monitor Accuracy

AQ-SPEC by South Coast AQMD accuracy report for Atmotube PRO

It’s important to do your own research whenever you can. In the case of air quality monitors, this means ensuring the sensors in your device are accurate and trustworthy. Unfortunately, finding this information isn’t always easy, as many devices lack third-party testing.

So, how can you check whether the device you are interested in is accurate? Since it can be hard to find official specifications, the best thing to do is check reviews from unaffiliated websites. Some websites, such as Smart Air Filters, conduct tests on air pollution monitors and compare them to reference monitors.

While Smart Air does sell many monitors, it’s a good resource and a certified B Corp. I’ve referenced its reviews and tests on many occasions, and I recommend checking its website for reviews (and accuracy tests) before purchasing any monitor. Of course, I also do some of my tests on this blog, but these are only against other consumer-grade monitors, so they should only be considered as part of deeper research.

It’s also essential to check for official accuracy testing. While not every monitor has such testing or will advertise it, some air quality monitors, such as Atmotube PRO, have undergone testing by organisations such as South Coast AQMD. AQMD has also conducted tests on various other monitors, and I recommend checking its database before purchasing a monitor.

AirLab Microsensor Results

AirLab Microsensor Results

Alongside AQMD, you can also check out the AirLab database, which also tests air quality monitors against reference-grade equipment. While neither AQMD nor AirLab is perfect (for example, there is no consistency between test results), both of these organisations provide high-quality comparisons to reference equipment, and they’re the only way to really know if a monitor or sensor is accurate.

If you can’t find test results on these platforms, I recommend checking the spec sheet for the air quality monitor and looking for the individual sensor components used. Often, these will be from large sensor companies such as Plantower, Cubic, Sensirion or Senseair. The accuracy of these components is often well-documented, and you should be able to find information on review sites and forums.

It’s also worth noting that some measurements are inherently less accurate than others. For example, monitors often show a good correlation for PM2.5, but they show very poor results when it comes to PM10. This is because PM10 concentrations are interpolated from PM2.5 measurements on low-cost air quality monitors. The same goes for VOC sensors, which are typically only good at showing trends and shouldn’t be relied on for absolute readings.

At the end of the day, the most important aspect of any air quality monitor is its accuracy. If a monitor isn’t accurate, it can’t give you insights into your local air quality. Generally, accuracy within the below brackets is expected in this price range:

Sensor TypeExpected Accuracy
PM1, PM2.5, PM10± 10-20% (much lower for PM10)
VOC± 25%
CO2± 5% (± 50 ppm ± 5%)
Temperature± 0.5°C
Relative Humidity± 3% 
Air Pressure± 1 mBar 

3. Internal Battery & Battery Life

Flow 2 next to Atmotube Pro

If you’re looking for a portable air quality monitor, having a long-lasting battery is a top priority. While there are many portable air quality monitors out there, many only have eight to 24 hours of battery life. This can make them frustrating to use on the go, as they must be charged daily.

Battery life is almost single-handily the reason I can recommend the Atmotube PRO so easily. While I prefer the app and usability of other portable devices, nothing comes close to the convenience of picking up the device every morning without worrying about battery life (provided you charge it once per week!).

Of course, battery life is far less important or irrelevant if you’re looking for a static air quality monitor. For example, if you want to place a monitor in your lounge, there’s no need to pay extra for a device with a battery.

Devices with short battery life, such as the Qingping Air Monitor Lite, can also be handy. Although the battery will only last eight hours, it’s handy to quickly check the air quality in other rooms without carrying around an adapter and USB cable. Of course, as a portable monitor, eight hours isn’t enough for me to warrant using it.

So, ask yourself: What’s the purpose of the air quality monitor you are purchasing? Is it intended for use in a home or office, or do you want to be able to take it out and about with you? 

4. Wireless Connectivity

Qingping app (from the Qingping Air Monitor and Air Monitor Lite)

When deciding what air quality monitor to purchase, it’s essential to consider connectivity options. Are you content with a non-connected monitor? Or do you deem a monitor with a Bluetooth or WiFi connection essential? Furthermore, are you looking for a monitor with HomeKit, Alexa, or IFTTT integration? These are all things to consider when selecting the ideal monitor.

Every monitor on the list today has connectivity in some form, and once you spend over $80, you’ll find the vast majority of monitors offer a connection of some kind. This is usually Bluetooth for portable monitors, and for indoor air quality monitors, it’s more often WiFi.

Most monitors will offer connectivity through the company apps. While this is useful, I prefer monitors with integration into some smart home systems. Since I use an iPhone, Homekit integration is a big deal for me as it allows me to automate many functions easily.

For example, turning my air purifier on automatically when the PM2.5 concentration exceeds my threshold is incredibly useful. The same goes for my dehumidifier and humidity. However, not everyone is interested in these features, and in those cases, a standalone device or app-only connection might suffice.

Regardless of what kind of device you choose, you will want to ensure it can retain some data. It’s too easy to temporarily lose a Bluetooth or WiFi connection, so having a device that can retain some data is invaluable.

5. Indicators & Alarms

Forensics Detectors Monitor

The Forensics Detectors CO2 Monitor is an excellent example of a monitor with good notifications.

An air quality monitor informs you about the air you breathe. However, unless you constantly check the app or device’s screen, it’s hard to know exactly when the air you’re breathing is beginning to become dangerous.

For this reason, it’s important to check if an air quality monitor can indicate or notify you when pollutant concentrations become harmful. Depending on the monitor, this indication will vary – it may be a flashing light, a beep, or a notification on your phone. 

At the end of the day, all that’s important is that your monitor or phone can notify you when necessary. This feature is even more important if your air quality monitor supports carbon monoxide monitoring.

6. Manual Sensor Calibration

Dual Beam NDIR

Dual-beam NDIR CO2 sensor diagram. Source:

Over time, sensors tend to drift and lose accuracy. While this isn’t an issue in the short term (unless your device comes incorrectly calibrated), it can cause air quality monitors to show wildly incorrect measurements after a few months or years of usage.

Sensor drift impacts all sensors, but VOC and CO2 sensors tend to be the most affected. If the air quality monitor features either of these sensors, it’s important to ensure the device you purchase features a recalibration method.

Many manufacturers advertise auto-calibration as a ‘feature’. However, it can be detrimental to performance and can lead to incorrect readings over time. As such, you should check for air quality monitors that allow you to calibrate their sensors manually.

Typically, calibrating a VOC or CO2 sensor is a quick process involving taking your air quality monitor outside for a few minutes. This will allow the sensor to judge what clean air is and will allow the monitor to set a new baseline on which to base concentrations in the future.

Best Indoor Air Quality Monitors

AirVisual Pro Monitor Comparisson

The indoor air quality monitor category is by far the most competitive, as tens, if not hundreds, of options are available. However, I think there are also a few monitors that are significantly better than the rest (and also a few that are significantly worse!). Here are my choices in each price range.

Air Quality MonitorSensorsConnectivityPrice
Airthings View PlusPM1, PM2.5, CO2, VOC, temp, RHApp, Web dashboard, Smarthome integrations$299
AirGradient ONEPM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, VOC, NOx, temp, RHWeb dashboard$138 or $195 (DIY or fully-assembled)
Qingping AQM Gen2PM2.5, PM10 CO2, VOC, temp, RHApp, Mi Home$150
Qingping AM LitePM2.5, CO2, PM10, temp, RHApp, HomeKit, Mi Home$90
IKEA VindstyrkaPM2.5, VOC, temp, RHZigbee$49.99

Over $200

Airthings View Plus

Airthings View Plus Display
Pollution Sensors: PM1.0, PM2.5, CO2, VOC, radon
Price: $299
Battery Life: Up to 2 years
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature, air pressure
Connectivity: Web dashboard and app
Connection Type: USB Type-C

I wasn’t entirely sure if I wanted to place the Airthings View Plus in this article, but I’ve chosen to because it’s a popular monitor that many people like – even if it isn’t for me. Why? Well, I have two main issues with the device. Firstly, it’s expensive at $300; secondly, it’s a simple monitor that lacks advanced functionality. I would argue there are better air quality monitors at half this price (I’m looking at the Qingping Air Quality Monitor Gen 2), but they lack the radon sensor. Therefore, while I want to be transparent that I generally wouldn’t recommend this monitor, I think it has some nice features, and it’s also better than other monitors in this price range, like the uHoo Air Quality Monitor and AirVisual Pro.

That said, if you are looking for a simple, user-friendly monitor and don’t mind the high price tag, the Airthings View Plus and Wave Plus are two monitors worth considering. However, due to the extra sensors of the View Plus, I’ve chosen to opt for that monitor in this section instead. As mentioned, while I believe this is a decent, simple-to-use monitor, it’s not for anyone wanting advanced features, as I’ve discussed in more detail in my full review.

So, what makes this monitor so great for anyone looking for an easy way to monitor their air quality? Well, Airthings has equipped the View Plus with a wide range of sensors while keeping the device incredibly easy to use. Not only is the device itself minimalistic (especially seeing as it can only display two pollutants at once), but the app and web dashboard are very intuitive. There are a few caveats, though, and this air quality monitor lacks more advanced functionality, such as user-adjustable thresholds, manual calibration, and more.

AirThings View Plus Screen Display

If you don’t need these features or are looking to recommend an air quality monitor for a friend or family member who wants something straightforward to use, the Airthings View Plus is a good monitor with high accuracy. While I don’t understand some of the sensor choices (the cheaper Wave Plus has a better CO2 sensor, for instance), they have proven accurate in my testing, and I am confident about the readings this monitor produces.

Perhaps the most unique aspect of the View Plus is that it can be powered via a Type-C cable or six double A batteries. While having a battery isn’t unique in itself, what is notable here is the incredible (up to) two-year battery life this device manages. While it will only upload data to the web dashboard every ten minutes, not needing to worry about batteries is a nice peace of mind.

This air quality monitor uploads data via WiFi to the app and web dashboard, meaning you can easily view historical trends and change device settings. This is nice but also essential, as while the device has a screen, it will only show two pollutants at once, and even waving in front of the device (which will allow you to see the concentrations of other pollutants) won’t display all pollutants.

Overall, the Airthings View Plus is a solid monitor for anyone who prioritises ease of use over advanced functionality, even if I think it is a bit overpriced. If you are in the latter group, you will be far better matched with a monitor such as the significantly cheaper AirGradient ONE or Qingping Air Quality Monitor, which supports far more advanced features.

  • High accuracy
  • Wide range of sensors including radon
  • Incredible battery life with up to two years on six AA batteries
  • User-friendly app and web dashboard
  • USB Type-C connectivity
  • Pricey at $299
  • Lacks advanced functionality
  • Displays only two pollutants at once on the screen
  • No auto-mode or app support for advanced features
  • Lacks user-adjustable thresholds and manual calibration
  • Better options available at a lower price

$100 – $200

1. AirGradient ONE

AirGradient ONE Indoor Air Quality Monitor
Pollution Sensors: PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, VOC, NOx
Price: $138 or $195 (DIY or fully assembled)
Battery Life: N/A
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Web dashboard & Home Assistant. It can be integrated into many smart home systems with coding knowledge.
Connection Type: USB Type-C

Disclaimer: Since my initial review, I’ve begun working with AirGradient. However, it is a highly transparent company, and I’m encouraged to speak my mind about the products.

The AirGradient ONE air quality monitor is unique for several reasons. Firstly, it’s the only open-source air quality monitor on this list – regarding hardware and software. This means that while you can use it as it ships, you can modify it however you see fit. Since it’s open source, you can even implement the monitor into a range of smart home ecosystems with some technical knowledge. There are a few other open-source monitors, such as the Apollo AIR-1, but I haven’t yet tried them.

On top of this, the monitor can be purchased either as a DIY kit (which doesn’t require soldering) or fully assembled. Both options have advantages, and I love choosing which kit I would prefer to purchase. The DIY kit is $60 cheaper if you want to save money. However, if you buy the monitor already assembled, it will come with a range of certifications, a 12-month warranty, and a lab report from AirGradient that shows the parts perform as intended.

Whether you choose the DIY or fully assembled monitor, both can be opened and repaired quickly and easily. If you ever have an issue with an individual component, you can easily replace it with a new sensor from AirGradient or your local electronics supplier. This means that the AirGradient ONE is made to last and should be repairable for many years.

AirGradient ONE Monitor

Another advantage of the AirGradient ONE is that the high-quality components are from trusted manufacturers. The particle sensor is a Plantower PMS5003 (the same used in PurpleAir monitors), which has appeared in ample studies and research papers. For CO2, VOCs, and NOx, sensors from the trusted companies Senseair and Sensirion are used. Considering the price (especially for the DIY monitor), the AirGradient ONE has some of the most accurate sensors in this price range.

While the AirGradient ONE can be integrated into various smart home networks with some technical know-how, it also comes with a web dashboard for anyone who doesn’t want to tinker with their device. The air quality monitor will connect to WiFi and upload its data to a web dashboard, which can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection. If you use other AirGradient monitors, such as the outdoor Open Air, or monitors from other companies, such as IQAir, AirThings and Atmo, you can also see the data from these monitors on this dashboard.

Design-wise, the AirGradient ONE has a small OLED screen that provides updates on pollutants in your home or office. While the screen is small, it’s very viewable even from a distance. However, to give you even quicker insights into your air quality, a row of LEDs at the top of the device can show particle or CO2 levels based on user-adjustable thresholds.

Now, there are some downsides to the AirGradient ONE, too. For one, it is a more ‘techy’ monitor that is not as user-friendly as devices in the same price range, such as the Qingping Air Quality Monitor. Also, since the team is quite small, there are bugs with firmware updates from time to time (such as this internet connectivity issue that I raised with the team). Therefore, in this price range, I would recommend the AirGradient ONE for more technical users and the Qingping Air Quality Monitor (next on this list) for anyone wanting a simpler and more polished monitor.

  • Open-source hardware and software
  • Can be purchased as a DIY kit or fully assembled
  • Easily repairable with replaceable components
  • High-quality components from trusted manufacturers
  • Web dashboard for easy data access
  • Small OLED screen with user-adjustable LED indicators
  • Integration with various smart home networks
  • More suitable for technical users
  • Not as user-friendly as other monitors in the same price range
  • Occasional bugs with firmware updates

2. Qingping Air Quality Monitor (Gen 2)

Qingping Air Quality Monitor with App
Pollution Sensors: PM2.5, PM10, VOC, CO2
Price: $150
Battery Life: Up to 7 hours
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Qingping+ App, Mi Home
Connection Type: USB Type-C

I reviewed the Qingping Air Quality Monitor a couple of years ago and was impressed with its performance. Not only did it have a beautiful screen and a great user experience, but it was also relatively affordable and had a good range of sensors. Now, Qingping has outdone itself and released a second generation of monitors, and I believe it’s one of the best indoor air quality monitors you can purchase. Let’s discuss why!

Inside the Qingping Air Monitor are carbon dioxide, PM, VOC, temperature, and relative humidity sensors. These sensors are from Sensirion and Grandway. While the first is well-trusted and has a good reputation, Grandway is less tested. Version one of the monitor achieved a great result when tested by AQMD, leading me to trust this PM sensor. In my testing, I’ve also found this monitor to consistently read similarly to other more expensive monitors like the PurpleAir Zen.

The device has a battery and USB Type-C charging port alongside these sensors. Unfortunately, the device’s battery life is quite minimal, at around seven hours, meaning you’ll want to keep it plugged in most of the time. Thankfully, the connection is the modern Type-C. This means the monitor can be moved around your house easily and will survive a power outage, but it’s not intended to be portable.

Thankfully, the Qingping product excels as a static monitor. Surprisingly, the Qingping Air Monitor has a high-quality, high-resolution touch screen for such an affordable device. Not only does it look great, but the screen is very responsive – which impressed me greatly! Perhaps more importantly, the device is very easy to navigate with this touchscreen and feels intuitive.

Qingping Air Quality Monitor Version 2 Screen

Depending on how you’ve set your device up, the home screen will provide an overview of the local air quality with all readings provided. While the screen can feel cluttered at times due to the overwhelming amount of information, there is no denying that the device provides detailed insights into your indoor air quality. You can also choose to prioritise certain readings through the app or by tapping them.

If you prefer to interact with the Qingping Air Monitor via your smartphone, you can do so via the Qingping+ app. The app is fluid and fast, making it one of the best air quality monitor apps I’ve tried. The app provides graphs for each sensor and allows users to identify indoor air quality trends.

However, what makes the Qingping Air Monitor stand out is how thought out everything is. The device is intuitive to use (and acts great as a standalone device without the app), there are guides for everything explaining what pollutants are harmful and at what concentrations, and the device even lets you set completely customisable alert thresholds. The support team is also incredibly responsive and helpful. Overall, this is my most recommended indoor air quality monitor for these reasons.

  • Beautiful, high-resolution touchscreen
  • Great user experience and intuitive to use
  • Affordable with a good range of sensors
  • High-quality sensors from reputable brands
  • Fluid and fast Qingping+ app
  • Customisable alert thresholds
  • Responsive and helpful support team
  • Minimal battery life, needs to be plugged in most of the time
  • Screen can feel cluttered due to the amount of information
  • Not intended to be portable
  • Some sensors are from less tested brands

Under $100

1. Qingping Air Quality Monitor Lite

Qingping Air Monitor Lite Handheld
Pollution Sensors: PM2.5, PM10, CO2
Price: $90
Battery Life: Up to 8 hours (can be expanded if sleeping)
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Qingping+ App, Mi Home, Apple HomeKit
Connection Type: USB Type-C

If you want an air quality monitor that takes up almost no room in your home, you’ll want to check out the Qingping Air Monitor’s smaller sibling – the Qingping Air Monitor Lite. While the names are almost the same, these devices differ so greatly that they feel like they are from different companies! If I’m honest, the only similarities between the devices are their great build qualities and surprisingly affordable prices.

The Qingping Air Monitor Lite is a small cube of 2.5 x 1.8 x 2.2 inches. In other words, it’s a very small device that can easily slide into your backpack or pocket (although it isn’t a great portable monitor! More on that soon). With such a compact size, this is the best air quality monitor if you want something unobtrusive. This smaller size and slightly smaller feature set also make this monitor very affordable.

The Qingping Air Monitor Lite houses a PM2.5, PM10, CO2, relative humidity and temperature sensor. While the device lacks a VOC sensor, I can forgive this at the affordable price. However, if you deem a VOC sensor essential, you’ll want to move to the Qingping Air Monitor or another indoor air quality monitor. Of course, it’s important to remember that VOC sensors aren’t particularly helpful in most circumstances.

While this air quality monitor does have a screen, the screen is quite small and only displays one measurement at a time. To get a full overview of your indoor air quality, you’ll need to use the touch bar on top of the device to scroll through every reading. While this isn’t a big deal, it isn’t as convenient as devices with larger screens capable of displaying every reading at a glance.

Qingping Monitor Lite Design

Instead of using the screen, I recommend using the Qingping+ app or HomeKit. The Qingping+ app is fast and fluid and provides graphs for each pollutant. This is fantastic if you want to identify trends in your indoor air quality. If you prefer integrating the monitor into your smart home, you can do so with HomeKit or Mi Home.

Unfortunately, the smart home integration feels half-hearted – at least on HomeKit. The functions are limited, and I would highly recommend using the Qingping+ app instead. It offers a far more detailed view of your indoor air quality and provides a range of settings that can’t be found on the device itself.

The Qingping Air Monitor Lite is powered by a USB Type-C cable which connects to the back of the device. While a battery is built into the device, the battery life is minimal, at around eight hours. Furthermore, the device puts itself to sleep after a few minutes, making it a less-than-ideal choice as a portable air quality monitor.

That said, I appreciate the device’s battery life of a few hours. If the power goes out temporarily, the device will stay on and not need to be reset when the power returns. In addition, you can temporarily move the device to another room for air quality testing without needing a cable and power socket. It’s also one of the few ‘portable’ monitors with a CO2 sensor alongside a PM sensor.

If you’re looking for a small air quality monitor, the Qingping Air Monitor Lite is a great choice. With great connectivity, this device is also a great choice if you want to hide it and access data by the app alone. At the under $100 price point, I believe this is the best air quality monitor that is currently available, and I have quickly become a big fan of Qingping products.

  • Compact and unobtrusive design
  • Affordable price
  • High build quality
  • Great connectivity options (Qingping+ app, HomeKit, Mi Home)
  • Temporary portability with built-in battery
  • Small screen displaying one measurement at a time
  • Minimal battery life, around eight hours
  • Screen can be inconvenient for full air quality overview
  • Half-hearted smart home integration, especially with HomeKit
  • Lacks VOC sensor

2. IKEA Vindstyrka

IKEA Vindstyrka With
Pollution Sensors: PM2.5, VOC
Price: $49
Battery Life: N/A
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Zigbee (requires DIRIGERA Hub)
Connection Type: USB Type-C

If you’re on a tight budget, you’re likely considering the Qingping Air Quality Monitor Lite alongside the Amazon Smart Air Quality Monitor alongside the two IKEA monitors – the Vindstyrka and Vindriktning. Unfortunately, the $15 Vindriktning is a very poorly performing device. However, making up for it is the great bigger sibling, the IKEA Vindstyrka.

This $49 device is the lowest-cost indoor air quality monitor I can comfortably recommend, and it offers fantastic performance at this price. While it only really measures PM2.5 (we will discuss VOCs soon), it uses a quality sensor from Sensirion. I’ve found it to perform very well compared to vastly more expensive monitors. While it is an all-in-one sensor (meaning the same sensor takes all PM, VOC, temperature and RH readings), this is understandable at the price point.

There are some issues with this monitor, which I want to get out of the way first. Firstly, it requires an IKEA DIRIGERA Hub to have connectivity. While there are some workarounds, they are technical and will require extra steps. Through these workarounds, I’ve seen the monitor working with various smart home platforms.

Secondly, this monitor will only show you qualitative values for VOCs – either increasing, stable, or decreasing. This can be handy, but it’s nowhere near as useful as quickly glancing at the device and getting a specific VOC value (even if it is based on a relative index). With that said, relative VOC values are common on low-cost sensors, so this isn’t as big of an issue as it may seem.

IKEA Air Quality Monitors

These are frustrating caveats, but on the bright side, this is a very inexpensive indoor air quality monitor with incredible accuracy – both for the price and overall. In this price range, no other monitor is as accurate as the Vindstyrka. While Temtop also has some inexpensive options, I haven’t yet had the chance to test them.

This IKEA monitor has no internal battery and must always be powered. This can be done by a USB Type C port at the bottom of the device. While it would be handy to have even a small battery (that could cover power outages and allow you to test the air quality in other rooms easily), at this price, I feel like I can’t complain.

The device’s design is simple and follows a minimal but contemporary design language. I appreciate this approach, though, as it’s easy to put the Vindstyrka almost anywhere in your house and have it blend in. While it won’t catch anyone’s attention, this is probably for the better.

You are making some compromises at this price bracket compared to monitors, even $20-$30 more, but I am very glad this monitor is available. It’s lowering the barriers to entering the indoor air quality monitor space and improving awareness of the topic. I really hope IKEA develops a second generation of devices with further improvements in the future.

  • Inexpensive and offers fantastic performance for the price
  • Uses a quality sensor from Sensirion
  • Accurate readings, even compared to more expensive monitors
  • Simple, minimalistic design that blends in anywhere
  • Requires IKEA DIRIGERA Hub for connectivity
  • Only shows qualitative VOC values
  • No internal battery, must always be powered
  • Limited functions with HomeKit
  • Some compromises compared to slightly more expensive monitors

Best Portable Air Quality Monitors

Flow 2 and Atmotube Pro on backpack

The range of choices for portable air quality monitors decreases significantly. Unlike indoor air quality monitors, only a few choices are worth considering in this category because while many monitors claim to be partially portable (such as being technically portable but only having a short battery life), few I would consider truly portable.

Air Quality MonitorSensorsConnectivityPrice
AirBeam 3PM1, PM2.5, PM10, temp, RHApp, Web map$249
Atmotube PROPM1, PM2.5, PM10 VOC, temp, RHApp$179

Over $200

AirBeam 3

AirBeam 3 Case
Pollution Sensors: PM1, PM2.5, PM10
Price: $249
Battery Life: 17 hours
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: AirCasting App
Connection Type: USB Type-C

The AirBeam 3 is the most recent version of Habitatmap’s series of portable air quality monitors, and it’s also by far the best. Equipped with a range of features that make it uniquely portable, it’s hard to find a better enthusiast-grade portable air quality monitor than this. For context, the Atmotube PRO is cheaper, easier to use, and has extra sensors, but AirBeam is much better if you want a portable air quality monitor that measures purely PM.

You can probably already tell, but I love this monitor. With its internal SD card that allows it to store readings, optional SIM connectivity that allows it to be used without WiFi, and built-in GPS that ensures you don’t need to remain tethered to your phone, this device is exceptional as a standalone portable air quality monitor. While the Atmotube PRO (listed next) is more user-friendly, the AirBeam 3 has these extra features, which make it a better purely PM monitor.

AirBeam 3 AQ Monitor

The device itself is very simple, and the outer shell is weather-proof meaning the device can be used in the rain (also unlike the Atmotube) as long as the device is orientated correctly. Inside the monitor is a large battery, which allows for 17 hours of battery life. While this battery life is far shorter than Atmotube’s, it’s worth noting that this device takes readings every few seconds, making it more suited when out and about. However, I do wish the reading interval was user-adjustable.

Accuracy-wise, the AirBeam 3 uses a Plantower PMS7003, and the AirBeam 2 is the most accurate monitor on AQMD when considering all readings (minus PM10, which this device is very inaccurate with). While the AirBeam 3 has yet to be tested, it uses the same sensor as the AirBeam 2, so I expect similar results.

The AirBeam 3 supports Bluetooth, WiFi, and cellular, meaning you can remain connected almost everywhere you go. While the device will remain tethered to your phone when it can (to ensure up-to-date data on your app), you can also enable standalone mode so the device records data to its SD card (or over cellular if you have a SIM installed). While you can sync your monitor with the app at the end of the session, I’ve found this process to take a long time, and this is one of the biggest issues with the device.

On top of this, the temperature and relative humidity sensors on the device should not be trusted (the Habitatmap team themselves told me this) as the sensors are located inside the enclosure. While this isn’t uncommon, it’s disappointing to know that, essentially, only the PM readings you are getting from this device are reliable (and that doesn’t include PM10, which is also inaccurate). However, for PM2.5 and PM1.0, this device is fantastic.

  • Uniquely portable with a range of features
  • Internal SD card for storing readings
  • Optional SIM connectivity for use without WiFi
  • Built-in GPS for standalone use
  • Weather-proof outer shell
  • Long battery life suitable for outdoor use
  • Supports Bluetooth, WiFi, and cellular connectivity
  • Not as user-friendly as some other monitors
  • Temperature and humidity sensors are unreliable
  • Syncing data with the app can be slow
  • PM10 readings are inaccurate
  • Reading interval is not user-adjustable

Under $200

Atmotube PRO

Atmotube 2 Review
Pollution Sensors: PM1, PM2.5, PM10, VOC
Price: $179
Battery Life: Up to one week
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure
Connectivity: Atmotube app
Connection Type: USB Type-C

Although I’ve reviewed a few other portable air quality monitors in this price range, including the Flow 2 and Breathe Smart 2, I have no doubt about which I would recommend. The device I would recommend so quickly is the Atmotube PRO.

Why do I recommend this over the other two? Well, my Flow 2 vs. Atmotube PRO comparison largely came down to one key factor – battery life. The Flow 2 needs to be charged daily, but the Atmotube can last for a week. On top of this, this portable air quality monitor offers a far better selection of sensors than the Breathe Smart 2 and Flow 2.

For this reason, it’s easy to say the Atmotube PRO is a well-rounded air quality monitor with all the basics and more. It provides connectivity via an iOS or Android app, has great battery life, and has a great variety of sensors to keep you up to date on your local air quality.

Atmotube PRO will track PM1, PM2.5, PM10, VOC, atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature, and altitude. Compared to the current portable air quality monitor alternatives, nothing offers the same fantastic range of sensors as this device from Atmo. 

Furthermore, the particulate matter sensors have proven accurate enough to be trusted in third-party testing. While they aren’t totally accurate compared to reference monitors, they have a margin of error of 10%, meaning you can trust the readings your Atmotube is providing you.

Atmotube App

Besides the battery life, the connectivity and included carabiner make the Atmotube PRO the perfect portable air quality monitor. While the device’s build doesn’t feel particularly high quality (mostly plastic, with only the carabiner being metal), it feels durable enough to join you on various journeys. Of course, you’ll need to be careful around water as the Atmotube is not waterproof or even resistant.

The Atmotube PRO is not perfect, and I’m not a big fan of the app. When opening the app, you’ll need to wait a few seconds to sync data from your device, and if you haven’t opened the app in a while, this process can take a while. On top of this, the UI could be vastly improved, as while graphs are currently provided, they can be confusing.

However, despite these flaws, I still regularly use the Atmotube PRO as my portable air quality monitor. It doesn’t suffer from poor battery life like devices such as the Flow 2, and the range of sensors makes it more useful than devices such as the Breathe Smart 2.

While the Atmotube PRO isn’t cheap, it has a competitive price considering the technology packed within. It’s more affordable than many less-equipped monitors (including many desk-based and wall-mounted air quality monitors) and has no major downsides.

Overall, the only addition I would like to see on the Atmotube PRO is a carbon dioxide sensor. Currently, I still need to rely on a portable carbon dioxide monitor such as the Aranet4 for this purpose. If Atmo could include a carbon dioxide sensor, it would truly be the only portable device I need!

  • Excellent battery life
  • Wide range of sensors
  • Reliable PM readings with a 10% margin of error
  • Great connectivity with iOS and Android apps
  • Included carabiner for portability
  • Durable enough for various journeys
  • App syncing can be slow
  • UI could be vastly improved
  • Build quality feels mostly plastic
  • Not waterproof or water-resistant
  • Lacks a carbon dioxide sensor

Best Outdoor Air Quality Monitors

CO2 Click Model X and PurpleAir

Outdoor air quality monitors are rapidly gaining popularity as wildfires become more prevalent in many areas of the world. Unfortunately, this trend is likely to continue into the future. Whether you live in a wildfire-prone area or not, an outdoor air pollution monitor is a great way to get more insights into your local air quality. Here are my choices for the best outdoor air quality monitors:

Air Quality MonitorSensorsConnectivityPrice
PurpleAir Zen/FlexPM1, PM2.5, PM10, VOCs temp, RHWeb map$289/$299
AirGradient ONEPM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, VOC, NOx, temp, RHWeb Dashboard$85 – $190
CO2.Click Model XPM1, PM2.5, PM10 temp, RHWeb DashboardApprox $150

Over $200

PurpleAir Zen (Flex)

PurpleAir Zen Monitor 1
Pollution Sensors: PM1, PM2.5, PM10, VOCs
Price: $299
Battery Life: N/A
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Web dashboard
Connection Type: USB Type-C

If you want the best outdoor air quality monitor for under $300, PurpleAir is the best choice. Probably the most famous air quality monitoring company out there (perhaps with the exception of IQAir), PurpleAir has a good reputation, and it’s largely for good reason. In particular, both the PurpleAir Zen (discussed here) and Flex are fantastic devices. The only difference? The Flex is intended as a purely outdoor monitor, whereas the Zen costs $10 more and can double as an indoor monitor.

While I’m a big fan of the cheaper outdoor AirGradient Open Air (again, I now work with them), I believe the PurpleAir monitors are more complete packages and probably appeal to more people. However, they come at a literal cost, and you will pay more than double for one PurpleAir than a DIY AirGradient monitor. While they are largely similar monitors, there are a few things I prefer about PurpleAir and a few that I dislike.

The PurpleAir Flex and Zen both have dual PMS6003 particle sensors from Plantower. These sensors are the same as those found in many monitors on this list, and while they can perform well, they’re known to be inaccurate and out of the box. For this reason, the EPA developed a correction algorithm for PA monitors on the AirNow Smoke Map. Now, you can also access data adjusted by this algorithm through the PurpleAir map, and I’m a big fan of seeing this corrected data as it’s far more accurate (at least when it comes to smoke).

PurpleAir Zen AQ Monitor

PurpleAir has also been widely adopted, especially in wildfire-prone countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. If you purchase a monitor, you can contribute to this map (although it’s not essential), and this widespread usage also means there is a lot of community support for the devices. At the current time, no other outdoor air quality monitor has quite the same level of support.

Another feature I appreciate about the PurpleAir outdoor air quality monitors is that they both support micro SD cards, meaning you can save data even if the monitor isn’t connected to the internet. While I would have preferred a cellular SIM card, I appreciated not losing data during internet outages and being able to access the monitor remotely if needed.

Unfortunately, PurpleAir is making it harder to access data, and you will need to use the API to view it, even from your own monitors. While you can access data from your monitors for free, I am not a fan of needing to use the API for the monitors I own, and I wish there were a quicker and easier way to view data more than a few days old (on the hourly view) on the map. I am also not a fan of how you need to use a Google sign-in and how the account you assign in with must be the same one you purchased the monitors with.

Of course, these are all relatively monitor issues, and I do think the PurpleAir Zen and Flex monitors are some of the best outdoor air quality monitors on the market. That said, if you are looking for something a bit more affordable, there are some fantastic options out there. Read on to learn more!

  • Reputable and widely adopted brand
  • Supports both indoor and outdoor monitoring
  • Dual particle sensors for better accuracy
  • EPA correction algorithm for more accurate data
  • Community support and widespread usage
  • Supports micro SD cards for offline data storage
  • Relativelyt inaccurate out of the box without correction
  • Harder to access data, requires using the API
  • Google sign-in required, must use the same account as purchase
  • Higher cost compared to DIY alternatives

Under $200

1. AirGradient Open Air

AirGradient Open Air Monitor
Pollution Sensors: PM1, PM2.5, PM10. Some models also support VOC, CO2, and NOx.
Price: $95 – $190 (different models available)
Battery Life: N/A
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Web dashboard
Connection Type: USB Type-C

Disclaimer: Since my initial review, I’ve begun working with AirGradient. However, it is a highly transparent company, and I’m encouraged to speak my mind about the products.

If you’re looking for an inexpensive yet accurate outdoor air quality monitor, the AirGradient Open Air should be one of the first monitors you consider. This monitor is available in a range of configurations (supporting different sensor configurations and being available in a discounted DIY kit), is fully open source, and has user-replaceable parts.

However, I recommend the AirGradient Open Air as an outdoor air quality monitor only partly because of these reasons. The primary reason I choose to recommend this device is that you can contribute to community-driven air quality maps such as OpenAQ. Many outdoor air quality monitors tie the user into their platform, and in that way, they commercialise the data generated by users.

These maps provide an invaluable resource to people in areas without government monitors. Furthermore, since air pollution can be very localised, every monitor added to networks such as OpenAQ means more accuracy. Of course, if you don’t want to contribute to these platforms, you can keep the data from your monitor private by disabling the ‘public’ option.

AirGradient Open AirGradient Outdoor AQ Monitor

The AirGradient Open Air is available in a few configurations with different sensors. However, whichever monitor you decide suits your needs best, you can rest assured knowing you are getting a monitor with high-quality and accurate components. If you want to learn more about the device’s accuracy, check out my review below!

Since the Open Air is an outdoor air quality monitor, you will need to connect it to WiFi to view data generated by the device. Luckily, the setup process is very straightforward, and you can get it connected to your local network in just a few minutes. Once done, you will need to create an account on AirGradient’s dashboard website. This will allow you to view data from your monitor from anywhere in the world, and the platform even supports some monitors from other companies, too!

Due to its open-source nature, your device can be integrated with a range of smart home platforms. While I haven’t delved into this aspect of the monitor, there are some guides for adding Open Air to different smart home platforms online.

Overall, the Air Gradient Open Air is a fantastic outdoor air quality monitor because it’s inexpensive yet features high-quality and accurate components. Add to that the fact that it’s open source, has user-replaceable parts, and allows you to contribute to community-driven maps, and you have a very compelling offer!

  • Inexpensive yet accurate
  • Fully open source with user-replaceable parts
  • Supports community-driven air quality maps like OpenAQ
  • High-quality and accurate components
  • Straightforward WiFi setup and dashboard access
  • Integration with various smart home platforms
  • Requires WiFi connection for data access
  • Can have software bugs from time to time
  • Setup and integration may require some technical knowledge
  • No cellular connectivity option

2. CO2.Click Model X

Co2 Click Model X Outdoor Air Quality Monitor
Pollution Sensors: PM1, PM2.5, PM10.
Price: $200 CAD (approx $150 USD)
Battery Life: N/A
Other Sensors: Relative humidity, temperature
Connectivity: Web dashboard
Connection Type: USB Type-C

The CO2.Click Model X is made by a small company based in Canada. However, while small, the Model X is a capable monitor and CO2.Click has proven itself with many monitors, from the carbon-dioxide-orientated Model C to the comprehensive Model E. What makes this particular outdoor air quality monitor interesting is its low cost (compared to monitors from PurpleAir and IQAir) and its Sensirion SPS30 sensor, which is different from the sensors offered in other monitors on this list.

The Model X is a very simple monitor, and you can tell this from the fact it’s housed in a pipe tube (as I said, it’s made by a small team!), but this doesn’t detract from its performance. While the SPS30 is generally considered to be similarly accurate to Plantower sensors, such as those used in the PurpleAir Zen and Flex, it appears to perform much better out of the box, and I found it to be significantly more accurate in my review.

While the Model X houses only a single PM sensor, the monitor is also $150, meaning you can purchase two for the price of a single PurpleAir Zen or Flex with two PM sensors for redundancy. From this perspective, Model X offers a unique and very tempting value proposition. While the AirGradient Open Air also exists, and it’s a similar price, I prefer the SPS30 in the Model X, and for $300, my ideal outdoor air quality monitoring setup would probably be two of these monitors.

CO2 Click Model X

Regarding connectivity, the Model X will connect to your WiFi 2.4ghz network and provide data to a web portal. While the portal is still relatively simple and lacks some advanced functionality (probably the biggest downside of this monitor), I also appreciate the simplicity and the essential features already included. That said, I hope the dashboard functionality extends in the future!

Outside of this, the PM-only sensor will be a downside for some. Personally, I prefer either dual PM sensors or an array of sensors such as CO2, VOX, and NOx sensors. Despite being comparable in many studies, I find the SPS30 to be a slightly better sensor than others in this price range. Therefore, I don’t mind this compromise, as I know any other additions would’ve increased the overall price of the monitor.

Compared to the AirGradient device, I would probably recommend this if PM2.5 accuracy is your main focus. However, if you want a better user experience and more advanced functionality, the AirGradient Open Air might be a better choice due to its more established web dashboard. Either way, I don’t think you can go wrong with either of these outdoor air quality monitors!

  • Low cost compared to monitors from PurpleAir and IQAir
  • High accuracy out of the box
  • Simple and essential web portal
  • Connects to WiFi 2.4GHz network
  • Unique and tempting value proposition
  • Simple housing design
  • Lacks advanced web portal functionality
  • Single PM sensor only
  • No additional sensors for other pollutants

Air Quality Monitor FAQ

What Is the Best Air Quality Monitor?

For the most complete air quality monitoring, I recommend the uHoo or AirGradient ONE. For an affordable option, the Qingping Air Monitor or Air Monitor Lite. Finally, for a portable option, I recommend the Atmotube PRO.

How to Monitor Indoor Air Quality

The only way to accurately monitor indoor or outdoor air quality is to have an air quality monitor.

Why Is It Important to Monitor Indoor Air Quality?

Air quality has been found to greatly impact humans’ physical and mental health. If you can monitor indoor air quality, you can take control of your environment and improve your health.

How Much Does an Indoor Air Quality Monitor Cost?

You will need to spend at least $80 on a high-quality air quality monitor. If you have a budget of around $250, there are many options.


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