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Cambridge Mask vs Airinum vs Vogmask

When it comes to reusable cloth masks, there are a few brands that are almost always mentioned. Respro, and Mau Mask to name two. However, among all of the reusable cloth mask brands, there are three that are particularly famous. These three are Airinum, Vogmask, and Cambridge Mask.

Although the reusable mask market has become a lot more diluted recently, these brands still stand out as some of the most well-known and well-liked mask brands out there. With masks becoming more and more common due to the pandemic and increasing air pollution it’s more important than ever to understand the differences and similarities between these three cloth masks.

I have already reviewed all of these masks separately in detail. If you would like to learn more about the masks, please feel free to refer to the links below. I have also covered over 20 other masks in my review section.

Before beginning this comparison, I do want to make a few quick notes. Firstly, I want to make it clear that none of these masks holds an official NIOSH rating. Although they do meet some of the filtration criteria. To my knowledge, no reusable cloth face mask currently holds a NIOSH rating.

Secondly, no mask is effective unless fitted correctly. Although officially rated respirators and professional fit testing are essential for the best protection, these aren’t available to most consumers. For this reason, it’s important to follow fitting guides and the manufacturer’s guidelines to make sure that you are using the mask correctly.

Finally, both Cambridge mask and Vogmask offer different models. I talk about the Cambridge Mask Pro and Vogmask VMCV (and VMC) in this article, both of which feature valves. However, valved masks are currently banned in many countries as they only filter air one way. For this reason, Cambridge Mask offers a free valve cover, and Vogmask has changed most of its production to valve-less masks.

Airinum only offers one mask currently – the Urban Air Mask 2. This mask features a dual-valve design but similar to Cambridge Mask, it offers valve stoppers in its store. These valve stoppers will be included with all future mask purchases.

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This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please refer to my affiliate disclaimer. I was NOT sent a product for review; I purchased this monitor myself. All opinions expressed in this post are my honest thoughts. I only recommend products that I believe in.

Information on this blog is for informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information herein with other sources. Furthermore, this information is not intended to replace medical advice from professionals. This website assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, which is subject to change without notice. Devices mentioned on this website are not medical devices and do not guarantee protection.

Comparison Infographic

The below infographic provides a brief comparison of the Airinum Urban Air Mask 2.0, Cambridge Mask Pro and Vogmask VMC. For more details, please read the full article. However, this infographic provides the essentials. Please feel free to share the infographic with attribution.

Cambridge Mask vs Airinum vs Vogmask Infographic

Airinum, Vogmask and Cambridge Mask Comparison

Cambridge Mask Review

In this review, I first want to cover the differences in filtration specifications. In this section, I will cover the particulate, viral and bacterial filtration capabilities of each mask. This is the most important section if you want to understand the technical capabilities of each mask.

After this, I will move on to discussing the fit, style and design. While these may seem less important than the filtration specifications, they play a big part in the effectiveness of the mask. A mask can not protect you if it isn’t fitted properly.

With that being said, this is my full comparison of Airinum, Vogmask, and Cambridge Mask. If you read through the comparison and still have questions or comments please don’t hesitate to comment on this post. I also welcome everyone to share their experiences with any of the masks!

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum

Technical Specifications

Vogmask VMC Design

Vogmask VMC Design.

That leads me to the most important part of this article, a comparison of the filtration specifications of each mask. This section may get a bit confusing, so please bear with me. I will write a summary at the end if you are just looking for a quick answer.

Before I go any further, it’s important to understand one thing. None of these masks holds an official NIOSH (N) rating. They fulfil the filtration requirements for N95 (Vogmask & Airinum) and N99 (Cambridge Mask), but none are officially certified. They do, however, all hold ratings from other regions.

Vogmask Certifications:

Cambridge Mask Certifications:

Airinum Urban Air Mask 2 Certifications:

  • Chinese National Quality Supervision for Personal Protection Equipment KN95 certification.

The ratings that these masks hold are very similar. The KF94 standard requires (among other factors) at least 94% particle filtration. The same goes for the FFP2 standard. The KN95 standard that the Vogmask and Urban Air Mask 2 hold requires > 95% filtration among other requirements.

Mask Rating Systems 3M

Image from 3M.

As the above table from 3M shows, the FFP2 and KN94 standards are almost identical. The KN95 standard differs slightly, but it is also similar in many of the most important respects. In conclusion, the standards achieved by all masks are very similar and they are comparable to each other.

However, standards are only one part of the equation. Both Vogmask and Cambridge Mask have also been tested by the third party laboratory Nelson Labs for filtration. Vogmask displays its results publicly on its technical page. Cambridge Mask test results can be found on its certifications and testing page.

Airinum has also undergone Nelson Labs testing for viral and bacterial filtration efficiency testing. However, they offer detailed particle filtration efficiency testing from RISE. Airinum also publically displays its certifications on its website.

Filtration ResultsParticulateViral(3.0μm)Bacterial(3.2μm)
Cambridge Mask>99.47%>99.3%>99.6%
Urban Air Mask 2>99.2%>99.9% >99.9%

The table above shows the minimum recorded results from the samples tested. These results were obtained using particles with a count median diameter of 0.075μm and a mass median diameter of 0.26μm for particle filtration efficiency (PFE), 3.0μm for bacterial filtration (BFE) and 3.2μm for viral filtration (VFE). This is the standard particle test size used by Nelson Labs.

The Airinum Urban Air Mask 2 is slightly harder to compare. This mask has the most diverse set of third-party testing, and the certificates can be found on their website. Since Airinum used other labs for testing (in this case, RISE) the results are harder to compare. However, VFE and BFE testing was carried out by Nelson Labs.

For that reason, I chose to use the RISE results that most closely resembled the particle filtration efficiency (PFE) test carried out on Vogmask and Cambridge Mask by Nelson Labs. At more realistic airflow rates (such as 1L/s, still more than most people will breathe) the Urban Air Mask 2 has > 99.9% filtration at 0.3μm (source).

Particle FiltrationEfficiency
Cambridge Mask≥ 99.47%
Vogmask≥ 95.38%
Airinum Urban Air Mask≥ 99.2%
MeoAir≥ 99.74%*
Totobobo≥ 99.7%*
Bloo Mask≥ 98.7%

*tested at 0.1μm, all other masks at 0.26μm.

Above is a table showing the particle filtration efficiency (PFE) of Airinum, Cambridge Mask, and Vogmask compared to other similar cloth masks (and Totobobo, which uses a plastic design). As you can see from the two tables, Cambridge Mask and the Urban Air Mask 2 provide significantly more filtration than Vogmask.

On the other hand, Vogmask and Airinum performed better than Cambridge Mask in both viral and bacterial filtration. In both tests, each mask filtered all viral and bacterial particles at 3.0μm and 3.2μm respectively. 99.9% is the highest result given.

This is no guarantee that any mask will filter all particles. However, it does show that the filters used in all masks are capable (in theory) of filtering a large percentage of particles at the MPPS (most penetrating particle size).

It is also worth mentioning that the Airinum Urban Air Mask 2, Cambridge Mask Pro, and Vogmask models with a C in their name (VMC, VMCV, VMCV2) include a carbon filter. Carbon filters are used to filter some common pollutants such as VOCs (volatile organic compounds). They are also effective against many smells.

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum

Fit & Comfort

Airinum Urban Air Mask 2.0

After using the Cambridge Mask and Urban Air Mask for a while, the first thing that stuck out to me when picking up the Vogmask was that it is lighter. All masks are the same size (the smallest adult size), and I believe the weight difference is due to the extra adjustable straps on the Cambridge Mask and the dual valves on the Airinum mask.

All masks have metal nose pieces and I couldn’t make out any difference in the durability or strength. Something that is important to note, though, is that the Airinum mask features a foam piece to decrease leakage around the ridge of the nose. Neither Vogmask nor Cambridge Mask have this feature.

While fitting with cloth masks is always hit or miss, I found the Vogmask fit me the worst. This is due to the fact that the Vogmask is a very standard mask design. On the other hand, Cambridge Mask features elastic straps on the chin for extra adjustment. Airinum offers adjustable ear straps (neither of the other masks is adjustable), a chin-wrap, and a headband is included.

Cambridge Mask Features

Cambridge Mask and Vogmask are very similar in regards to fit and feel with the exception of the aforementioned chin-straps. Airinum differs significantly in both fit and design. From my experience, the Airinum fits the best due to a few additions that the other masks don’t have. Namely, the foam nose piece and the chin wrap.

The foam around the nose fills in the gap that is often left when trying to adjust the wire in the nosepiece. Since this is often the area with the most leakage, this is very important. The chin-wrap is a piece of the mask that sits under the wearer’s chin, theoretically providing a better seal around the chin. Some other masks such as Bloo Mask and Metamask also feature such designs.

The Cambridge Mask Pro offers a single valve design with no choice for no valve. Luckily, a valve cover can be purchased with the mask for free. Vogmask offers no valve, one valve, and two-valve designs. However, currently, nearly all of their production has switched to valve-less Vogmask Organic or Vogmask VMC masks.

Airinum Mask Filter

Airinum Mask Filter.

Similar to Cambridge Mask, Airinum offers only one model at a time. Currently, that is the Urban Air Mask 2 which features 2 valves. Similar to Cambridge Mask, Airinum offers valve stoppers. I have been told that these stoppers will be included with all future Airinum Mask purchases.

Overall, I found the Airinum Urban Air Mask to be the most comfortable and best-fitting option out of the three. While no mask is entirely comfortable, the Airinum Mask leaked the least for me and required less adjustment after being donned.

The Cambridge Mask and Vogmask are very similar. The Cambridge Mask provides a better fit through the adjustable chin-straps, but Vogmask is lighter and therefore easier to breathe through. My biggest issue with both of these masks is that they both rely entirely on ear straps. Airinum, on the other hand, includes a head strap to alleviate some pain on the ears after long periods of wear.

The good news is that both Cambridge Mask and Vogmask offer head-strap accessories. While these are an extra cost, I highly recommend getting one as it will alleviate a lot of pain behind your ears. If you want to purchase one for cheaper, they can also be found on Amazon. This method isn’t as good as opting for a neckband design (such as Purar Mask has), but it’s definitely more comfortable than using earloops.

Although the Airinum fit me the best, all masks provided decent fits. However, they are still cloth masks and therefore a perfect fit is nearly impossible. If you are looking for a mask that provides a better seal, I would recommend checking out the O2 Canada Curve or the Gill Mask.

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum


Vogmask Models

Vogmask designs. From

Both Cambridge Mask and Vogmask offer many different styles and sizes. If you are like me, you are someone who prefers a simple mask, something that blends in. Unfortunately, many of these mask manufacturers seem intent on making ‘fashionable masks’. Where, in my opinion, the most fashionable mask is a simple colour.

Airinum seems to agree with me. They also have a range of 3 different Urban Air Mask models. All of these models have simple colour designs. Airinum also has many limited edition models that change from time to time.

Luckily, among the more flashy options, both Cambridge Mask and Vogmask do offer some solid colour masks. The mask that I purchased from Cambridge Mask was a simple, solid, black mask. They also offer a few other colours, such as grey, green, and blue. There are also masks with a variety of different patterns, such as camo masks and checkered masks.

Cambridge Mask Models

Cambridge Mask designs. From

Vogmask has many more options, with everything from cheetah spots to zebra stripes. They also offer a few basic coloured masks, such as coral, blue, aqua, white, and tan. There is no doubt about it though, Vogmask has the most design options.

All masks also keep branding to a minimum, something that I appreciate. Both the Cambridge Mask and Vogmask (at least the models that I have) only feature branding on their tags and they otherwise don’t stand out. The Urban Air Mask features more branding and has the brand name and logo on the right side of the mask as well as on both valves. However, the logo is quite subtle and I don’t mind it.

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum


Vogmask Sizing Guide

Vogmask sizing guide.

Both Vogmask and Cambridge Mask offer 5 different sizes, however, they measure sizes differently. Vogmask uses height as the measurement, whereas Cambridge mask uses facial dimensions and weight. Airinum offers one size less, with a total of 4 different sizes available.

Unfortunately, no face is the same, and although the mask may fit perfectly, it’s also possible that the ‘right’ size may not fit you. All masks are sized a little differently, so make sure to pay attention to each specific brand’s sizing guideline.

From my experience (all small-sized masks), the Cambridge Mask fits perfectly. Vogmask is a little too big, and the Urban Air Mask 2 is a little too small. If you have tried one of the masks before and are considering another one, this might be something to keep in mind.

While you should be able to find a good fit from all brands, it can be difficult to get a mask that fits perfectly. This is especially true as these masks are cloth masks that rely on wire nose pieces. If you have strong facial features it can be especially hard to find a mask that creates a good seal.

Another important aspect to consider is that the Cambridge Mask and Airinum are more adjustable in terms of size. This is due to the fact that the Cambridge Mask and Airinum have extra adjustments that can be made (chin straps on the Cambridge Mask and adjustable ear/head straps on the Airinum mask).

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum


Airinum Dual Valve Mask

Cambridge Mask Pro Churchill.

Both Cambridge Mask and Vogmask offer different models. Cambridge Mask Company offers the Cambridge Mask Basic and the Cambridge Mask Pro. The biggest difference is in the filter. The basic has a filter that filters > 95% of particles, whereas the pro filters > 99%.

On top of this, the Cambridge Basic mask also has a lower lifespan (around 90 hours), and a different filter compared to the Pro. However, the mask still achieves > 95% filtration and is a good, cheaper alternative. The Cambridge Mask Basic also features no valve.

Vogmask, on the other hand, offers five different models which all offer the same filtration capabilities of > 95%. They offer a microfibre and organic variant, as well as single and dual-valve variants of these masks. The different materials may help people who experience allergies or discomfort while wearing the mask.

The only difference between the microfiber and organic cotton Vogmasks is the textile on the outer and inner layer. If you are sensitive or allergic to synthetic textiles, the organic cotton masks will be more agreeable to wear. Organic Vogmasks are also available without exhale valve and carbon filter layer, and are efficient for filtering particles on both inhale and exhale.Vogmask FAQ.

Vogmask VMC

Vogmask VMC

Vogmask also offers no valve variants, which can be important. Valve masks are made to protect the wearer, for example, from air pollution. However, air can be expelled from the mask as can the particles within. For viral situations, where spread prevention is important, a non-valve mask is needed. Non-valve masks filter the air both ways, meaning that the air you expel will also be filtered.

As the U.S FDA statesN95 respirators with exhalation valves should not be used when sterile conditions must be maintained.’ In other words, if you are looking for a mask for a virus, a non-valve mask is better as it will protect both you and others.

Airinum offers only one model and this simplifies the purchasing process a lot. While this means that you can’t choose which model fits your needs best, it means that the company can focus on making one mask as good as it can be. I have found that the Urban Air Mask 2 feels the most well-made.

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum

Lifespan & Cost

Airinum Urban Air Mask

Urban Air Mask 2.

This is a very important section to consider for one main reason – the Airinum Mask features replaceable filters. Both Vogmask and Cambridge Mask have to be replaced once they reach their limit. The Airinum Urban Air Mask 2 can just have its filter replaced. This is similar to other masks such as Bilio’s Kangaroo Mask which also feature a replaceable filter.

However, the Airinum mask is also significantly more expensive. I don’t want to mention exact prices here as they tend to fluctuate. However, Cambridge Mask and Vogmask both sit around $30 USD. The Urban Air Mask 2 is almost three times this price, sitting at around $80.

It’s hard to compare the lifespan as some of the brands are very vague in their claims. Lifespan is highly dependent on air quality conditions. However, Vogmask claims 3-12 months of usage with most users (those not in very polluted environments) being able to use the mask for 6-12 months.

Cambridge Mask Pro speaks more plainly, stating that the Pro should last a maximum of 340 hours of wear. As with all masks, this lifespan can be decreased depending on air quality. If you wear the mask for 3 hours every day, this means over 100 days of wear.

The Airinum mask features replaceable filters and each filter has an estimated life expectancy of 100 hours. These filters come in a pack of three for $24.

All of the filter lifespans will vary based on conditions. If you feel that the filter has become significantly more difficult to breathe through compared to when the mask was new, then it’s time to change.

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum

Which Mask Is Best?

Vogmask Filter

When comparing the Urban Air Mask 2, Cambridge Mask Pro, and Vogmask, there are a few things to consider. All masks are good options, and it is better to pick the mask that fits your situation. While the article should be read in full to decide what is best for you, I will summarise some of the key points below:

Vogmask Is Better if:

  • You are looking for a mask that filters viral particles.
  • You are looking for a mask that filters bacterial particles.
  • You want a slightly lighter mask.
  • You need a valve-less mask.

Cambridge Mask Is Better if:

  • You want a fine dust particle mask.
  • You have a young child that needs a mask. Vogmask only has one option for children, Cambridge Mask offers an option for 1.5 to 4-year-olds and one for children under 10.
  • You want more adjustability (with the chin straps).
  • You need a mask with a valve.

Airinum Is Better if:

  • You want a mask for pollution (particle) protection.
  • You want a mask with replaceable filters.
  • You want a more premium mask.
  • You need the best fitting mask.
  • You want a mask with lots of adjustability.
  • You need a mask with two valves.

In the end, any of these masks are better than none. If one of the brands fits you better than the other, it’s usually better to go with the bitter fitting mask. This will give you a level of protection and make sure that you remain as comfortable as possible while wearing the mask.

If you are interested in purchasing one of these masks after reading this article, you can do so at the links below. If neither of the masks is available, or if you want to check out some other options, please refer to the alternative masks below.

Buy Cambridge Mask | Vogmask | Airinum


Which Mask Has a Higher Rating?

Vogmask achieves the KN95 and KF94 standard, Airinum achieves the KN95 standard, and Cambridge Mask reaches the FFP2 standard. All of these standards are comparable. However, Cambridge Mask and Airinum have > 99% filtration of particles at 0.3μm compared to Vogmask which has > 95%. None of the masks holds a NIOSH rating.

Can Cambridge Mask, Vogmask, and Airinum Filter Viral Particles?

Both Cambridge Mask and Vogmask have been tested and offer > 99% viral particle filtration at 0.3μm. However, Cambridge Mask only offers around 99.3%, whereas Vogmask offers > 99.9% filtration. Airinum has not had viral particle testing.

Why Do These Masks Have Valves?

Valves offer decreased breathing resistance and make both inhaling and exhaling easier. However, they are not intended for filtering air that the user exhales. Therefore, while filters are great for air pollution, they are not ideal when it comes to preventing the spread of viral particles.

What Are Some More Mask Alternatives?

There are many fantastic alternatives to these masks. One that I recently reviewed is the Totobobo mask from Singapore. This mask allows for self fit-testing, self seal-checks and more. Another great mask that I recently tried is the MeoAir mask – a mask that offers ease of breathing with great filtration.

Which Mask Has a Better Filter?

When it comes to particle filtration (PFE), Cambridge Mask and Airinum offer the best filtration. However, when it comes to both viral and bacterial particles (BFE & VFE) Vogmask slightly outperforms Cambridge Mask. Airinum currently doesn’t have BFE and VFE test results.

Which Mask Is More Comfortable?

They are very comparable. Vogmask is lighter and tends to remain cooler inside the mask, and it also offers a dual-valve mask variant. However, Cambridge Mask has more comfortable ear-straps. I found Airinum to be the most comfortable overall.

Do These Masks Have Replaceable Filters?

Out of these three masks, only the Airinum Urban Air Mask 2 features replaceable filters.

Read 38 Comments on 'Cambridge Mask vs Airinum vs Vogmask'

  1. Thank you for writing an in-depth comparison review of both masks, and their various pros and cons. All of the better quality masks are heavily back-ordered, but it’s nice that you took the time and trouble to provide insights that might prove valuable to those choosing something to help protect themselves, particularly in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    1. Thank you Liam, I appreciate your kind words. I realised that there was a large lack of information surrounding masks, and I wanted to try and provide some assistance to people who are looking for masks. Although I am no expert, I hope to present the research that I find in an understandable way.

    1. Hello Paul, thank you for informing me! I actually am aware that the links aren’t working currently. However, they seem to be sold out on every platform and with the speed that stock moves at the moment it’s impossible to keep them up to date.

      I will be sure to update the links once the situation is a bit more stable 🙂

      1. Wow, that’s a long time to wait. I saw a few online a month or so ago for around $90, but I guess the price has increased even further since then.

        I hope that the companies can get their supplies worked out soon!

  2. I noticed both masks have valves. Although these protect the wearer, an infected person can still spread the virus by wearing these masks, which is counter to the reason for universal masking. It’s why the 3M valve respirators were primarily used in industry rather than hospitals where you need to keep a sterile environment. Do you know of any reusable N99 masks without the valves?

    1. Hello Mel,

      Unfortunately it appears that nearly all of the respirators with higher filtration efficiencies (such as that that offer 99% filtration) come with valves. This is due to the increased difficulty breathing with higher filtration.

      I don’t know of any reusable respirators with 99%+ filtration without valves. There are some that are around 95% however (such as the basic Vogmask and Cambridge Mask).

      Please keep in mind that these masks aren’t certified by the NIOSH, they only meet the filtration requirements (95% and 99%).

  3. How come when I go to Nelson Labs and do a search for Cambridge, nothing comes up? Did they really do a test on there?

    1. As I replied to your other comment:

      Hello Laura.

      I have seen the Nelson Labs certificates personally. I reached out to them and asked to see them – I will not write an article on a mask or respirator without official lab results, it’s one of my requirements.

      However, they asked me not to publicly share them. If you want to see the certificates for yourself I recommend contacting the company. This is probably why you can’t find the certificate anywhere. While I don’t agree with keeping the certificate hidden, they did have reasons for doing so. I do believe these documents should be public.

      They are not listed on the CDC site because as I said in my article, the masks do not hold the N99 rating. Rather, they meet the requirements in regards to particle filtration. ‘On top of the FFP2 certification, Cambridge Mask also meets the filtration requirements for the NIOSH N99 standard. Although the mask is not officially certified as N99, it does meet the requirements and has been lab-tested’.

      Consumer reusable respirators currently can not hold an NIOSH rating due to some of the requirements.

      I understand that I could have been more clear about the exact details. I will update my article to reflect this and to be more obvious about the lack of N99 certification.

  4. You link to amazon for where to buy the masks, but’s official site itself says that no other places sell legitimate Cambridge Masks except for their website itself.

    1. Hello,

      Firstly, thank you for the comment.

      You are right. As of right now, only the official site sells the masks. I linked to Amazon when I first wrote the article (back at the end of 2019) when Amazon did have the official masks (Cambridge Mask has an official storefront there).

      Now that they are advising people to only purchase on their official website I will have to update the links. I get a bit behind at times as there is so much that needs constant updating.

      Thank you for pointing this out!

  5. Thanks for this review. I ordered both brands last spring. I got a preorder from Cambridge that wasn’t supposed to ship until August. I just received them today Sept 4th. They are not rated N99 anymore. Their sizing is weird to me that the M is a bit too small and the L is a bit too big. The Vog L fits me perfect. My absolute favorite is the organic Vog. It is very soft. I do like the fact that Vog are lighter and thinner. The earloops on Cambridge are much thicker. I can’t tell the difference when wearing them either. If I put different scents in front of me I can smell right away in either mask and they are sealed as best as they can be. That said, I would buy a Vog again and again based on fit, comfort and the company. Cambridge has had soooo many issues with delays and lack of communication. They charge $25 for shipping and ship from Ohio, USA, to USA locations. That is ridiculous. Shipping from Vog is free.

    1. Hello Shelly,

      I am glad that you found the comparison helpful. As you have mentioned, the Cambridge Mask does feel a bit heavier and the straps are definitely thicker. Whether that is positive or negative is really up to the user. I think that Vogmask is definitely better in warmer areas/seasons though, as it is definitely lighter and thinner.

      Both masks should allow smells through, they are not designed to stop them. That being said, the Cambridge Mask does have a carbon filter that should adsorb some odours – I have never found it to work well though. I don’t believe Vogmask has a carbon filter at all.

      I am very surprised to hear about all of the current issues with Cambridge Mask though. Those shipping fees are crazy! Vogmask definitely sounds like the better choice at the moment.

      1. You say the Cambridge mask does not filter odours well. This implies their carbon filter is ineffective against carbon emissions, despite their hype (or leakage around your mask?). Does the Vogmask carbon filter version or Airnium do a better job of filtering odours?

        1. Hi David,

          I would say that it’s mostly due to leakage. I can normally get my Cambridge Masks to fit well, but they do have some micro-leaks. Unfortunately, I don’t have the masks on me right now so I can’t test. However, from memory Cambridge Mask is the best of the three regarding odour reduction.

      2. I am struggling with reactions to anything that has an odor; allergic reactions. Any advice on how to research the ability of a mask to reduce scents and vocs? Thanks you for your article. I am making my way through your reviews !

  6. My Cambridge Pro masks definitely fit better but I have added a couple of valveless VogMasks for the pandemic. VogMask seems to have switched almost entirely to valveless production for the time being. You may want to note this in the article.

    1. Thank you for the update! I hadn’t noticed that myself as I haven’t checked the Vogmask site recently. I will update the article to reflect these changes.

  7. Thanks to your review, I recently bought two Cambridge masks. It might be a recent change, but a head-straps and a self-adhesive nose-foam are included in the box (as indicated on their website when you buy a mask). All details on these items can be found here : And sadly, they seem to be out of stock regarding the free valve deactivator.

    Once again thank you for your reviews 😉

    1. Hello,

      Thank you for letting me know! Those are definitely recent changes. I will update the article to reflect that and I will have to order another one so that I can experience these additions myself.

  8. Thank you so much for this comparison! I’ve used Vogmask in the past and it was a game changer with air pollution. I’m in need of more masks and was considering Happy Masks which was recently recommended to me. Have you heard of these or looked into them? I’m curious how they compare. Their site claims: Our filters have been tested by Nelson Labs and the Taiwan Textile Institute to block over 99.9% of particulate matter (PM) 10, 2.5, and 0.3. To put this into context, dust particles are PM8, bacteria is PM3, and pollution and viruses are < PM1.* Our standard of filtration is one of the best available on the market.
    Test Performance:
    – 99.9% average filtration of viruses
    – 99.9% average filtration of bacteria
    – 99.97% average particulate filtration down to 0.3 microns"
    They don't have an official certification from what I can tell, but looks like they've been tested by various third parties.

    1. Hello Linnea,

      I have no experience with Happy Masks myself, but the test results that you listed are industry standard (especially Nelson Labs).

      Most reusable cloth masks do not hold official certifications due to the cost (especially for NIOSH certifications) and the fact that it’s usually not needed for masks outside of professional settings. However, the Nelson Labs and TTI results show good results for the filters. It’s hard to understand the other aspects of the mask, however, without trying them myself.

      I will contact the company and see if I can test the masks so that I can write a review. Thank you for letting me know!

  9. Great detailed review, was earlier using Vogmask and now i have been using Debriefme reusable mask. One thing i liked about debriefme masks are they are very light in weight, you will not feel you are wearing it, thumbs up to them for that. Anyone looking for them here’s the reference;

  10. I have purchased Cambridge Pro masks for use during the Pandemic and overall I am very pleased with the fit although as has been previously noted the masks can feel warm to the face.
    My concern is that when I take the mask off I notice a lot of moisture droplets around the valve and inside the valve. This also occurs on my husbands masks so reckon it’s likely a feature for others? Have others experience this? I’ve read that moisture can affect efficiency? Is this the case for the Cambridge masks ? I’d like to know if this is something the manufacturers are aware of and if it’s a concern ?

    1. Hello Diaa,

      I have tried contacting a few companies, but I have not had personal experience with any yet. Are there any masks in particular that you would like to see me look into?

  11. Hi Ethan,

    I think you need a little update in your blog post about the “Airinum Review – Urban Air Mask 2.0” and “Cambridge Mask vs Airinum vs Vogmask”.

    In your blog postings, you wrote that the mask has no testing for viral and bacteria. I just checked their site and have now tested by Nelson Labs from Bacterial and Viral Filtration Efficiency.

    The Airinum mask looks kinda bad compared to the other masks because there are no filtration or bacterias and viral.

    I was confused because it is one of the best masks on the market and has so many tests but in your blog, she looks not like the best pick.

    Would be cool if you can update those blog postings 🙂

    Best regards

  12. It looks like the Cambridge Masks do not hold an FFP2 certification, rather, through the various testing, they state that they meet the requirements for FFP2.

    I’ve read that the latex particle tests performed by Nelson Labs can differ significantly when you do NaCl tests similar to the N95/FFP2/KN95 testing standards (

    Is this correct that they don’t actually have FFP2 certification? If that’s the case, it looks like only Vogmask and Airnum hold actual certifications for their masks?

  13. hi Ethan,

    Thank you for providing such a helpful and informative website! I use both a Cambridge Mask and a Vogmask and am happy with both. My 9 year old kid has a Vogmask and loves their colorful designs. Agree about the discomfort of the thick earloops. I DIY retrofitted them with thin earloops repurposed from a disposable mask. I haven’t tried the headstrap accessories. Personally I prefer the convenience of earloops when taking a mask on/off multiple times a day (I usually wear both glasses and a hat).

    Apologies if you already mentioned this–I didn’t see it anywhere–Cambridge Mask now offers a line of valveless designs, though most are out of stock at the moment. (

    1. Hello Davina,

      Thank you for your kind words and also for sharing your experiences. The DIY earloops are a great idea, did you/your kid have a better experience after changing out the earloops?

      I also didn’t know about the new Cambridge Mask, thank you for letting me know!

  14. Which mask do you think is better at filtering out gases ie vehicle emission gases with their carbon filter? Can you tell from experience wearing them? I don’t believe any of them offer tests on their efficiency for this. Looking at their websites/marketing, suggest Cambridge is best for this, followed by Vogmask and then Airnium doesn’t seem to even mention it.

  15. Hi

    I am wondering if you can help as I was confused about the viral efficiency of these masks.

    Can Cambridge Mask, Vogmask, and Airinum Filter Viral Particles?
    Both Cambridge Mask and Vogmask have been tested and offer > 99% viral particle filtration at 0.3μm. However, Cambridge Mask only offers around 99.3%, whereas Vogmask offers > 99.9% filtration. Airinum has not had viral particle testing.

    but in the table on the main body it says Airnum 99.9%. I am not sure I am reading it right bit want the best possible mask for covid.

    Airinum has also undergone Nelson Labs testing for viral and bacterial filtration efficiency testing. However, they offer detailed particle filtration efficiency testing from RISE. Airinum also publically displays its certifications on its website.

    Filtration Results Particulate Viral(3.0μm) Bacterial(3.2μm)
    Cambridge Mask >99.47% >99.3% >99.6%
    Vogmask >95.38% >99.9% >99.9%
    Urban Air Mask 2 >99.2% >99.9% >99.9%

    Huge thanks for your help

    1. Hi! Thanks for your question. I’ll see if I can help clarify.

      All of the masks above can filter viral particles similarly – provided they are fitted correctly and don’t have any leaks.

      At the end of the day, VFE (viral filtration efficiency) testing isn’t very important. Since viral particles have no way to move on their own, PFE (particle filtration efficiency) tests are actually more valuable as the tests tend to be more stringent (smaller particle size, higher flow rate, etc). This article goes into more detail:

      In other words, your best choice is to go for the mask with the best particle filtration efficiency. Since these masks perform similarly (minus Vogmask, which has significantly less PFE), it will come down to which fits you best.

      I hope this helps!

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