I’ve said this many times recently – I guess I’m on a good streak – but the Apollo AIR-1 is an indoor air quality monitor I have wanted to get my hands on for a while now. Needless to say, when it finally arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago, I was over the moon to finally get the chance to experience the device firsthand. While the device may not look particularly special at first glance, some aspects stood out from the first time I visited the Apollo Automation website.
This leads me straight to a key point of the Apollo AIR-1 and one that I want to highlight from the get-go – you can’t use this monitor stand-alone. Instead, you will need to have Home Assistant set up on your local network or find a device to run Home Assistant and set it up before you can use this monitor. If you’re not already familiar with Home Assistant, it’s an open-source home automation platform that allows you to integrate countless different products, including a wide range of air quality monitors.
Home Assistant will need a device to run on, which should always be on and connected to your local network. While you can run it on a PC, most people use a device like the Home Assistant Green or Raspberry Pi as they are affordable, smaller, and won’t consume much electricity. While I opted to use a Raspberry Pi 5 for my setup, I know many people prefer other devices as the Raspberry Pi has been slowly increasing in price (and power consumption). Below are a few devices you might want to check out if you don’t yet have Home Assistant set up:
Anyway, before I get too off-topic, I was particularly interested in the Apollo AIR-1 due to Home Assistant. While it makes this monitor quite a niche product, it’s extremely powerful and gives you a level of control over the monitor that is almost unparalleled (AirGradient is the other choice). Also, similarly to that device, the AIR-1 is open source, meaning you can alter it however you want – both regarding hardware and firmware. While this makes the device seem quite ‘techy’ or even intimidating, I found the process of setting up both the Apollo AIR-1 and Home Assistant pleasantly straightforward.
While I will discuss each aspect in more detail soon, this fantastic level of control drew me to the AIR-1. While there are many fantastic air quality monitors on the market, few really allow you to customise them. This is especially frustrating when it comes to apps and websites for monitors, as they often don’t show the information I want or are lacking in one way or another.
Before I go too far off-topic, let’s jump right into this review. While the Apollo AIR-1 is a bit of a more technical device, it’s important to note that it is surprisingly easy to use. If you’re looking at the device – especially if you already use Home Assistant – I recommend considering it. In this review, I will walk you through everything you need to know for setting up and using the device. Let’s get started!
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This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please refer to my affiliate disclaimer. I was NOT sent a product for review; I purchased this monitor myself. All opinions expressed in this post are my honest thoughts. I only recommend products that I believe in.
Information on this blog is for informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information herein with other sources. Furthermore, this information is not intended to replace medical advice from professionals. This website assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, which is subject to change without notice. Devices mentioned on this website are not medical devices and do not guarantee protection.
Sensors & Accuracy

The Apollo AIR-1 is customizable before you even complete your purchase. On the website, you can purchase the basic model with only the SEN55 all-in-one sensor (it measures PM, VOCs, NOx, temperature and relative humidity) or choose to add a CO2 and chemical sensor to your monitor. Naturally, adding these extra sensors will also increase the price, meaning customers have flexibility over what monitor they want and what they are willing to pay.
I chose to get the complete monitor with both additional sensors for the sake of testing. However, I don’t think this is the best configuration, and it’s also not the one I would recommend. I will discuss why soon, but for now, let’s list the sensors that can be found inside this rather small monitor:
- Sensirion SEN55 – Particles, VOCs, NOx, temperature and humidity
- Sensirion SCD40 – CO2
- MiCS-4514 – Gases (ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen and more)
It’s also worth mentioning that all configurations come with an Infineon DPS310 barometric pressure sensor, which may not seem important but will ensure the CO2 sensor remains accurate at higher altitudes. While this won’t impact most users, if you live far above sea level, adding this sensor will make your carbon dioxide readings much more accurate than many carbon dioxide monitors. I’m a big fan of this addition since the SCD40 has no built-in pressure sensor.
Since accuracy is the most important aspect of any air quality monitor, let’s take a look at these components individually and see how they perform with the measured pollutants. I will begin with PM readings from the SEN55, as I think this is what interests most users.

It’s essential to make a disclaimer before continuing. I don’t have access to any reference-grade equipment, so I can’t do my own scientific tests on the accuracy of this monitor. However, I can turn to the literature on the topic, and I also ran a few of my own tests to judge the overall performance of the sensor compared to other low-cost sensors.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many studies on the SEN55’s PM accuracy or even the sensor in general. However, from what I’ve found – and also based on my own experiences – the SEN55 performs very similarly in accuracy to the Sensirion SPS30 particle sensor. This study confirmed my findings. This is helpful because the SPS30 is a much more studied sensor, and knowing the performance is quite similar, we can look for research on the SPS30 instead.
Some studies show the SPS30 has better performance than sensors such as those from Plantower (used in monitors like AirGradient, PurpleAir, AirBeam, and more), while others show slightly better performance with Plantower sensors. Either way, most research concludes that these sensors perform quite similarly, and we know that both perform well within the realm of consumer-grade PM2.5 sensors. While it’s much harder to find information on the SEN55, what I can find appears to show that Sensirion has used its SPS30 technology in the SEN55; therefore, I would trust this sensor’s readings. At least for PM2.5, but let’s discuss that now.
The SEN55, as with most low-cost sensors, interpolates its PM1, PM4 and PM10 readings from PM2.5, meaning that you will really only want to rely on the PM2.5 measurements. Again, this is not an issue with the SEN55 but is common across almost all low-cost sensors. If you’re curious to see an example, take a look at the graph below and see how closely each PM measurement follows, even though we would expect them to vary significantly – especially in the case of PM1 vs PM10.

I wanted to test the PM2.5 values compared to my AirGradient monitors. As you can see on the graph below, the AirGradient ONE typically reported higher raw concentrations than the Apollo AIR-1. It also appeared to provide more varied ratings, whereas the Apollo followed a more consistent trend. Either way, it’s good to see that the monitors correlate well.
It’s important to note that the AirGradient ONE uses the Plantower PMS5003, and this sensor is known to overreport PM2.5 concentrations (which is why monitors like the PurpleAir Zen and Flex, as well as the AirGradient monitors, use an EPA-developed algorithm to improve accuracy). With this in mind, I would actually lean towards the Apollo AIR-1’s PM2.5 readings as being slightly more accurate – at least when it comes to raw values.

I also compared a shorter period to make the graph easier to follow. You can see the graph below. As expected, the AirGradient consistently reports higher values at higher concentrations and similar or lower values at lower concentrations. This aligns with my expectations and is a good sign for the Apollo AIR-1. More importantly, we can see that both monitors pick up on the same trends, and they are both more than capable of informing the user if they need to take action, such as turning on an air purifier or opening (or closing) the windows.

Overall, I would say the Apollo AIR-1 and its SEN55 are accurate for PM2.5 concentrations. While I wouldn’t rely on the other measurements as much – especially PM10 – it’s an issue with all of these low-cost sensors and is far from isolated to the Apollo device. While you can use the PM10 values to indicate actual concentration, it’s important to note that the readings will always be closely tied to PM2.5 readings, which is not always true with actual particles.
Moving on, I also wanted to check the accuracy of the carbon dioxide readings from this monitor. Since it uses an SCD40, I was already expecting good performance going into this review, as this is the same sensor that countless other monitors I’ve reviewed use. While it has a few caveats compared to transmissive NDIR sensors, such as the SenseAir Sunrise in the Aranet4 Home, it’s still a good performer and was likely chosen due to its incredibly small size.

Above, you can see the carbon dioxide concentrations recorded by my Apollo AIR-1, AirGradient ONE and Aranet4 Home. In reality, you can probably barely see the Apollo AIR-1 on this graph because it is tracked so closely with the other monitors that the line is often obscured. This is a great result, and as the Aranet4 Home is considered the gold standard for accuracy in consumer-grade CO2 monitors, it shows the accuracy of the CO2 readings from the Apollo AIR-1.
When it comes to the third main sensor on the Apollo AIR-1, the MiCS-4514 gas sensor, things are a lot less positive, and I don’t think you are missing out on much by getting the SEN55 and SCD40 combination instead. It’s worth noting that the VOC readings do not come from this sensor; rather, they come from the SEN55, so this sensor is just adding ammonia, carbon monoxide, ethanol, hydrogen, methane and nitrogen dioxide readings to the monitor. In theory, having these additional pollutants being monitored sounds great, but it comes with some very major caveats.
Firstly, and this is important to keep in mind, this monitor will not make a substitute for a dedicated and certified monitor in any of these categories. If you are worried about exposure to carbon monoxide (or any of the other mentioned gasses), purchase a certified monitor instead. What if you just want an indication about these gasses and don’t want to rely on the sensor? Surely it’s okay, then? Well, I’m still not sold.
I’ve found three key issues with the sensor. First, it’s not sensitive at all and very unresponsive. Second, it exhibits cross-sensitivity to gases (more on this soon). Finally, it shows random spikes that I know are impossible because I would be dead if the gas sensor had reported the correct value at that time. Anyway, let’s start with the first issue.

In everyday use of this monitor, and with the exceptions of the spikes mentioned above, I never once saw the gas concentrations recorded by this sensor rise above 0 ppm. One day, I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen with Mr Muscle cleaning spray (the primary ingredient being ammonia), and I never saw a rise in the measurement even though the smell of ammonia was strong. To test this further, I placed a bowl full of Mr Muscle next to the monitor, and I still saw no increase. The image above shows how I set this up.
I thought I would go a step further and place a paper towel doused in Mr Muscle right in front of the monitor. Nothing changed for a few minutes and I was becoming very disappointed. However, after about two minutes of having the towel right in front of the monitor, a change in the ammonia concentration was recorded. If you look at the image below, you will notice this uncovers another issue.

For some reason, while the ammonia concentrations increased as expected, the recorded methane concentration also went through the roof! Considering that 2000 ppm of methane is immediately dangerous to life and health, this was quite a concern! However, this concentration rapidly dropped (as did, surprisingly, the ammonia concentration even though I didn’t move anything), and it was clear this was either a random spike or the methane reading was cross-sensitive to some other gas that was present.
I wanted to test the sensor further, so I then proceeded to place the monitor in a container with a candle. This time, it responded rapidly (although the concentrations in the rather small container would have quickly reached extreme levels). This again highlights the cross-sensitivity issue, as by this point, there was no ammonia present, and I would not expect to see ethanol, methane and hydrogen increase, and not by this much. On the other hand, nitrogen dioxide never increased for some reason, even though this would have been one of the gasses I would have expected to increase concentration.

I repeated this experiment a few times and left the monitor in the container with smoke for a few minutes. However, the results across each test were very similar. This has led me to conclude a few key things about the MiCS-4514 gas sensor. Namely:
- It’s very unresponsive to low gas concentrations
- It’s cross-sensitive, and other gases impact some gas readings
- It exhibits random spikes (especially when it comes to methane)
For these reasons, and since I’m not the only one to have experienced them (see here and here, with some studies also sharing similar issues), I have concluded that this is not a very good sensor. I think most customers should save some money and stick with the quality Sensirion sensors. Perhaps this sensor could prove useful if the device was placed in a garage (as it seems intended for vehicle fumes), but even then, I have doubts.
Finally, I want to move on to the four additional parameters the Apollo AIR-1 measures – VOCs, air pressure, temperature and relative humidity (RH). I will begin with the air pressure sensor, which I really have no use for. That said, while I don’t personally care about air pressure readings, including such a sensor is fantastic because, as I mentioned earlier, it allows the CO2 sensor to remain accurate even at high altitudes. Apollo has confirmed the usage of the barometric pressure sensor in this regard, but I can’t find the link anymore.
That leads us to VOCs, which the SEN55 measures. I don’t want to dive into the accuracy of this sensor because VOC sensors are very finicky, and because of this, large manufacturers like Sensirion often use a relative index instead of absolute values. While I dive into much more detail in this post, it basically boils down to the fact that there are so many VOCs, and each sensor is more and less sensitive to some particular VOCs. Furthermore, many VOCs are not harmful; therefore, a single, absolute reading is not particularly useful.
To try to offset the difference in sensitivities, Sensirion has moved to using a 0-500 index, which shows a value relative to the baseline of 100. Any number below 100 indicates a decrease in VOC levels, and any number above indicates an increase with higher severity at higher values. I believe, by default, the SEN55 has a 24-hour rolling average, meaning that at any given time, 100 represents your average VOC concentration over the past 24 hours. While I’m sure there is a way to change the duration through Home Assistant, it isn’t an entity shown by default.

This leads us to our final topic in this section – temperature and relative humidity accuracy. I was quite apprehensive about these at first because the monitor is so compact, and even larger air quality monitors often read incorrect values due to their own heat generation and chamber-like designs. It appears I wasn’t wrong in this regard as compared to my tested Traceable monitor, the Apollo AIR-1 almost consistently reads 2°C too low (there is a default 6°C offset on temperature readings) and 5-10% too high for RH (which has no default offset). The good news, however, is that both errors appear to be mostly systematic, and you can easily change the offsets in Home Assistant.
For this reason, I would not call this an issue but rather something that you need to be aware of. If the AIR-1 is providing temperature or relative humidity numbers that differ vastly from those of other monitors, it likely is. Luckily, it’s not hard to fix!
Overall, I think this monitor’s PM2.5 and CO2 accuracy is good and I would trust these readings from the monitor. PM10 is likely inaccurate, but this is not an issue with just the Apollo AIR-1; instead, it applies to practically every low-cost air quality monitor. My biggest disappointment is the gas sensor, which I think most people shouldn’t bother to include in their configuration because it has some major flaws. VOCs, temperature, and relative humidity are all accurate, but they have their caveats that you need to be aware of. I was also very pleased by the inclusion of a barometric pressure sensor here, and I wish more manufacturers would include such sensors!

The design of the Apollo AIR-1 can be broken down into two main categories – internal design and external design. Let’s start with the latter, as it’s most people’s first impression of the device. The first thought that most people have upon seeing this device is, ‘Wow, it’s small!’ because this really is a compact air quality monitor. While I don’t think it’s imperative because this isn’t a portable air quality monitor, it is amazing how small they’ve managed to make this device. Many people will appreciate how inconspicuous it is, largely because of its size.
The device measures 61x61x30mm and is very lightweight due to its simple plastic design. It’s made even lighter because the top (or bottom, depending on how you orientate the device) is partially cut out to reveal a logo. Three of the device’s sides are mostly mesh to allow air to enter and prevent any hindrance to the airflow.

The device’s build quality reminds me of the CO2 Click monitors, as the whole case is 3D-printed (likely with the exception of the mesh, but I can’t be sure). This means that while it’s decent, you might notice some minor defects around the outside of the case. I’m fine with 3D-printed cases, especially from smaller manufacturers, but I will note that my case came with a bent bottom plate. While this was likely due to being shipped halfway across the world, the case isn’t particularly resilient and you will want to be careful with it.
Luckily, I purchased my monitor with the GPIO header addon, which gave me a second bottom plate with a large hole for the header. I also noticed that this extra piece is slightly thicker than the original case, which likely gives it extra durability. All the same, it isn’t particularly important as this monitor isn’t intended to be moved around frequently, and it’s more than durable enough for what it’s designed for!

There is a very obvious bend in the bottom plate of the monitor.
While discussing the design’s less-than-ideal aspects, I should also mention that I found the USB Type-C port to be very finicky. The board to which the port is mounted isn’t attached to anything, and this means the whole board, including the port, can move significantly. While it wasn’t a major issue, this meant that the USB port of my device rarely aligned with the hole in the case. I was able to fix this with some tweezers, but it is worth mentioning. On the bright side, although I’m amazed I still have to say this in 2024, I am pleased to see a Type-C port.
Moving on to the positives, I think the monitor is generally well-designed. The three mesh vents ensure the device has good airflow, which means the sensor always has ambient air to monitor. The device also very easily blends into almost any home, and this is ideal as the device doesn’t have a screen and is meant to be accessed entirely through Home Assistant. While I hope the build quality can be improved a bit in the future, I like the design overall.

The Type-C port is a bit finicky.
Now, when it comes to the internal design of the device, I had worries simply due to how compact the device is. While the PM sensor should be fine, as the fans are located right behind the mesh, I was worried about temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide readings. The first two can be influenced by heat generated from the device (especially when it’s this small and compact!), and the latter because photoacoustic sensors can be impacted by vibrations created by the fan in the SEN55.
Luckily, I didn’t notice any issues with the CO2 measurements, and while there are definitely some issues with temperature and relative humidity (which I discuss in the accuracy section), these can be offset. Since the device uses the same case regardless of configuration, I would be curious to see if these issues are less with the SEN55-only configuration. Either way, it’s not a big deal, but it is amazing how much they managed to fit into this small package.

So, let’s take a look inside! When you first screw the top (or bottom, I still can’t figure it out) of the device, you will find the main board of the device with the ESP32 chip – you also may or may not have the Sensirion SCD40 CO2 sensor attached. This sensor is extremely small, and it’s due to components like this that the device was able to be miniaturised so much. On the side of this board, you will find the Type-C port for charging the device and a GPIO slot.
Underneath this board is the SEN55 sensor, which is by far the largest component of this device due to its need for a fan. While the whole module is self-contained, you will find the PM, VOC, NOx temperature and relative humidity sensors within this module. One of the best aspects of this sensor is that it’s designed for longevity ( > 10 years) with a self-cleaning function. While it’s hard to tell how long these sensors will last in daily use, Sensirion has a lot of confidence in the longevity of this component.
Finally, fitting into a slot down the side of the monitor, you will find the MiCS-4514 gas sensor if you choose to include it. I’m not sure if removing this sensor would make the temperature and heat readings more accurate due to less internal heat generation, but it could be an added bonus for removing this sensor, which I don’t think is worth adding to your configuration. Either way, they fit a lot into this monitor, and it’s very impressive!

As I mentioned at the start of this article, the Apollo AIR-1 does not work as a standalone device, and it will require a Home Assistant instance to be running on your local network. However, as long as have this prerequisite, I think the Apollo AIR-1 and Home Assistant pair to form an incredible air quality monitoring dashboard with nearly limitless options. If you’re looking for a device to run Home Assistant on, consider checking out these monitors:
The Apollo AIR-1 connects to WiFi, and you will need to connect to a hotspot created by the monitor when you first turn it on. From here, you can enter a captive page that will allow you to connect to a nearby network. This network will need to be 2.4GHz, and it should also be the same network that your Home Assistant instance is running on. Once connected, you can leave the device and visit your Home Assistant page. If all goes well (as it did for me), the Apollo should be automatically detected and connected to Home Assistant very painlessly.
It’s worth mentioning at this point that while Home Assistant seems to be for ‘power users,’ I found it straightforward to use – at least for basic functionality. While yes, it is a step above an included dashboard or app, I think many, even moderately tech-savvy users, will find Home Assistant and the AIR-1 quite easy to use. The extra customisation and power that it brings to the user is worth the slight learning curve the platform needs.
Once connected, you will either have a new Home Assistant dashboard (if this is your first time using the device), or you can add the Apollo AIR-1 to your already existing dashboard. From here, you’re free to do anything you want! While I will mostly focus on the dashboard itself, as that is where my focus has been, it’s also possible to set up all kinds of automation and flows on the platform that gives it almost limitless potential. However, discussing everything the platform can do would be outside the scope of this article, so I may dedicate a future article to the topic.
Through Home Assistant, you will find entities to show all pollutants measured by the sensor, alongside options to calibrate the SCD40 CO2 sensor, reboot the ESP chip, change the LED behaviour, set offsets, and factory reset the monitor. While there aren’t too many settings here, not many are needed, as everything else can be done through the platform.

Since I have a range of devices that support Home Assistant, I created a few dashboards. For the sake of this comparison, I connected my Aranet4 Home, AirGradient ONE and Apollo AIR-1 all to Home Assistant and created a dashboard that plotted the data from each. As you can see above, I could easily create a dashboard that compares PM concentrations from both the AirGradient and Apollo devices, as well as a comparison table for CO2, including the Aranet4. While most people likely wouldn’t need a comparison table like me, I found the ability to do this extremely powerful for this review.
However, a dashboard like the one I created below is likely more useful to a typical user. This dashboard uses only entities from the AIR-1, and it has been very useful for me to design it in a way that I find logical and easy to follow—no other air quality platform allows anywhere near this level of customisation.

Please ignore the large section of missing data. I went away for a weekend, and while I was away, my Raspberry Pi crashed.
As I mentioned earlier, Home Assistant is far more powerful than this. You can create everything from advanced automation to custom calibration algorithms on the platform (which I have done, but not for my Apollo device). While these features are slightly more advanced – but still surprisingly easy to use – don’t be scared away by Home Assistant, as getting the basic functionality of the device is not difficult after you spend an hour learning the platform. If you have other air quality monitors (like any Aranet devices), you will likely find these can integrate into the platform, too!
While I’ve skipped over it so far, it’s also important to note that all of the functionality I consider essential is included natively on Home Assistant. Data exporting for all metrics is very straightforward and can be done quickly, historical data appears limitless (I assume this is based on your preferences and setup limitations), and connectivity has been stellar so far. The only thing I would like to see added is an entity to control the auto-calibration period of the SCD40, both as I am unaware of what it is set to on the AIR-1 by default and because it would be useful to control (both in terms of changing the auto-calibrate time and to enable and disable it).
I know I’ve barely scratched the surface here, but I don’t want to bog down this already 6000-word review anymore. Needless to say, I have quickly become a very big fan of Home Assistant for air quality monitors, and it’s because of the Apollo AIR-1 that I discovered this. Of course, it’s not the only device that supports Home Assistant, but it is a big strength over devices that don’t offer support. If you already have Home Assistant set up, I think a monitor that supports the platform is a no-brainer. If not, it’s worth considering, as it’s a powerful platform that gives you the most out of your monitor.
Pricing & Competition

The Apollo AIR-1 comes in a range of configurations that are identical in all ways except for the sensors present. I want to emphasize that all of these configurations feature the same connectivity, size, case, etc, and only differ in the pollutants they can measure. This means that even at $88.99, you’re getting a well-equipped monitor. Below are the currently available configurations of this device:
Sensors | Parameters Measured | Price |
SEN55 | PM, VOCs, NOx, Temperature and RH | $88.99 |
SEN55 + SCD40 | PM, CO2, VOCs, NOx, Temperature and RH | $108.99 |
SEN55 + SCD40 + MiCS-4514 | PM, CO2, VOCs, NOx, Temperature, RH and gases (ammonia, carbon monoxide, methane, etc.) | $148.99 |
Now, I think there is a right choice here, and it’s the second option – the SEN55 and SCD40. Some people may not see a need for a CO2 sensor (or may already have a device like an Aranet4 Home), and these users may want to opt for the cheapest variant of the Apollo. However, I would steer almost everyone away from the third and most expensive option for reasons discussed in this article’s ‘accuracy’ section.
However, this device doesn’t exist in isolation, and I would like to examine some of its competitors. While I do my utmost to remain as unbiased as possible, please note that I now work with AirGradient, and I want to remain very transparent about this. Anyway, let’s take a closer look at the competition this monitor faces.
Apollo AIR-1 (SEN55 Only) Competitors | Price |
Apollo AIR-1 (SEN55 only) | $88.99 |
Qingping AQM Lite | $89.99 |
Temtop M10 | $69.99 |
Amazon Smart AQ Monitor | $69.99 |
IKEA Vyndstyrka | $49.99 |
The most basic Apollo configuration already has some stiff competition, and I think there are a few good options in this price range. Compared to the most affordable monitor that I can recommend – the IKEA Vyndstyrka – I think the Apollo offers a very compelling upgrade due to its vastly better connectivity through Home Assistant. However, it does use a very similar sensor (the SEN55 vs the SEN54, with the former adding a NOx sensor). Of course, you may also need to get a device to run Home Assistant, and that adds a significant cost to this monitor.
For the relatively small increase in price, this monitor is also a better pick than the Amazon Smart Air Quality Monitor and Temtop M10. I had some issues with the Amazon monitor, and I only recommend it to people tied into the Alexa ecosystem. On the other hand, I think the Apollo AIR-1 offers a better range of sensors than the M10, making it an easy choice as long as you don’t need portability.
Really, I think the Qingping Air Quality Monitor Lite is the biggest competitor, and it comes in at an identical price when it’s not on sale. I really loved this device, and I still recommend it today – more than two years after initially reviewing it. While you should consider both devices, I think the Qingping device is likely better if you want ease of use and don’t want to spend extra on setting up Home Assistant. On the other hand, if you already have Home Assistant (or don’t mind setting it up) and want customisation and more control, the AIR-1 is undoubtedly better.
When it comes to Apollo’s middle variant, the SEN55 + SCD40 combination, there is little direct competition at this price. Hence, I will compare it to more expensive monitors. However, it’s also worth considering the monitors above – especially the Qingping Air Quality Monitor Lite – if you want to save some money.
Apollo AIR-1 (SCD40 & MiCS) Competitors | Price |
Apollo AIR-1 (SEN55 + SCD40) | $108.99 |
Apollo AIR-1 (SEN55 + SCD40 + MiCS-4514) | $148.99 |
AirGradient ONE | $195 ($138 for DIY kit) |
Qingping Air Quality Monitor Gen 2 | $149.99 |
Temtop M10+ | $129.99 |
At less than $110, I think the SEN55 and SCD40 variants of this device are a great deal. You’re getting great connectivity, a good range of (accurate) sensors, and coverage of important pollutants. At the price range, I think the Qingping Air Quality Monitor Lite is probably still the best alternative, but both have very different strengths and will appeal to different people.
Now, if you’re looking at the pricier model of the Apollo AIR-1 (which, again, I do not recommend), you begin to have strong competition. The AirGradient ONE and Qingping Air Quality Monitor Gen 2 sit at similar prices, and both have big strengths and some downsides. Regarding the Qingping AQM Gen 2, this monitor has a place in my heart because it’s such a solid all-around monitor. Right now, it’s my favourite air quality monitor, offering an unparalleled user experience. However, you will lose the customisation and power of Home Assistant and being Open Source.
On the other hand, the AirGradient ONE has both of these, but it comes with some differences. Firstly, it’s more pricey than the comparable Apollo device (the SEN55 + SCD40 variant) and has its own dashboard for those who don’t want to or can’t use Home Assistant. It also has more scientific backing due to having a dedicated science team and a better CO2 sensor – albeit only slightly. On the other hand, the Apollo is much smaller and offers (in my opinion) a slightly better PM sensor (not accounting for correction algorithms).
At the end of the day, the choice is yours, and I am only here to try to give you all the information you need to make an informed purchasing decision (and to share some of my opinions). Between the monitors I’ve mentioned, I don’t think there is any wrong answer, as each excels in certain circumstances. However, it is important to be aware of the differences between each.

The Apollo AIR-1 is, for lack of a better term, a cool device. I’ve enjoyed using this device, and I think it’s a powerful air quality monitor for anyone already using Home Assistant or looking to get involved with the platform. It features accurate components (but please read the next paragraph), good connectivity, and is tiny. Even better, it’s open source and customisable if you’re interested in that aspect!
However, you should avoid the gas sensor. Not only does this sensor increase the device’s price by $40, but it’s inaccurate to the point of being useless. While I don’t know what Apollo’s ratio of sales to configuration is, I think this particular model should be discontinued either entirely or in favour of a model with a better gas sensor or a different sensor type altogether.
On the other hand, this monitor’s SEN55 ($88.99) and SEN55 + SCD40 ($108.99) configurations are both price-competitive and feature high-quality components that perform well in studies and in my own testing. As this is an indoor monitor, I think the mid-tier option is the best device, and I would recommend it for most users. If you’re in the market for a monitor around this price range, definitely consider the AIR-1!
While you will need Home Assistant to use this device, I also think it’s a big strength. While this isn’t the only monitor to support the platform, it is one of the cheapest and definitely the most compact. Home Assistant is incredibly powerful, and while it may require a few hours of tinkering to get the dashboard tailored to your preferences, it’s worth it, considering the customisation it brings to the table.
While I think the device is already in a good state, I would like to see a few additional features included, such as the ability to set the auto-calibration period of the CO2 sensor and the learning duration for the VOC sensor. While these are both likely already possible through Home Assistant, I would like to see them included by default so they’re easy to use and available to even non-savvy users.
Have you used the Apollo AIR-1? If so, I would love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to use the comment form below to join the discussion. If you have any questions, please feel free to do the same. I would love to hear from you and will do my best to answer as soon as possible. Thank you for reading!
Apollo AIR-1 FAQ
What is the Apollo AIR-1 air quality monitor?
The Apollo AIR-1 is a compact indoor air quality monitor that integrates with Home Assistant, an open-source home automation platform. It measures various pollutants such as PM2.5, VOCs, and CO2, and offers high customizability through its open-source hardware and firmware.
Can the Apollo AIR-1 work as a standalone air quality monitor?
No, the Apollo AIR-1 requires Home Assistant to function. It must be connected to a Home Assistant instance running on your local network, making it ideal for users who are already familiar with the platform or willing to set it up.
What sensors are included in the Apollo AIR-1?
The Apollo AIR-1 features several sensor options. The basic model includes the Sensirion SEN55, which measures PM2.5, VOCs, NOx, temperature, and humidity. Higher configurations can also include the SCD40 for CO2 measurement and the MiCS-4514 gas sensor for gases like ammonia and carbon monoxide.
How accurate are the Apollo AIR-1’s sensors?
The Apollo AIR-1 provides accurate PM2.5 and CO2 readings, especially with the SEN55 and SCD40 sensors. However, the gas sensor (MiCS-4514) has limitations, including cross-sensitivity and random spikes, making it less reliable for gases like ammonia or methane.
How do I set up the Apollo AIR-1 with Home Assistant?
To set up the Apollo AIR-1, you’ll need to have a Home Assistant instance running on a local device, such as a Raspberry Pi or Home Assistant Green. Once your monitor is powered on, connect it to your WiFi through a hotspot created by the device, and it should automatically integrate with Home Assistant.
Is the Apollo AIR-1 customizable?
Yes, the Apollo AIR-1 is open-source, allowing you to customize both its hardware and firmware. It also provides flexibility in terms of configuration, with options to add or remove sensors based on your needs.
Why should I avoid the MiCS-4514 gas sensor in the Apollo AIR-1?
The MiCS-4514 gas sensor has significant drawbacks, such as poor sensitivity to low gas concentrations, cross-sensitivity between gases, and random spikes in readings. For most users, it’s better to stick with the SEN55 and SCD40 sensors for more reliable data.
How does the Apollo AIR-1 compare to other air quality monitors?
The Apollo AIR-1 competes well with other monitors like the AirGradient ONE and Qingping AQM Lite, especially due to its Home Assistant integration and compact design. It’s a strong option for those seeking customization and open-source features, but may not be the best fit for those looking for an all-in-one, user-friendly solution without Home Assistant.
What pollutants does the Apollo AIR-1 monitor?
Depending on the configuration, the Apollo AIR-1 monitors PM2.5, VOCs, NOx, temperature, humidity, CO2, and gases such as ammonia and carbon monoxide. The basic model measures PM, VOCs, NOx, temperature, and humidity.
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Apollo AIR-1 Review - A Fun and Feature-Filled Air Quality Monitor

The Apollo AIR-1 is an inexpensive air quality monitor that offers fantastic smart home support through Home Assistant. It's also open source, and fully customisable.
Product Brand: Apollo
- Compact design
- Open-source hardware and firmware
- High accuracy for PM2.5 and CO2
- Integrates with Home Assistant
- Customizable configuration options
- Affordable compared to similar monitors
- Supports advanced automation
- Requires Home Assistant to function
- Unreliable gas sensor (MiCS-4514)
- Limited PM10 & VOC accuracy (not limited to this device)
- Slight learning curve for Home Assistant setup
- Fragile 3D-printed case
Thank you for a very comprehensive and well written article.
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Thank you for the heads-up! There appears to be an issue with displaying the images from the original post here: Apollo AIR-1 Review - A Fun and Feature-Filled Air Quality Monitor
I think since the images are from a different URL, they can’t be displayed here. I will look into the issue and see if I can remedy it for future posts.