I first became aware of R-Pur back in 2020 when I reviewed the R-Pur Nano Light mask. It was a very interesting mask for me to review as it was extremely unique in its design and ft. On top of that, it offered some of the best-in-class filtration with its nanofibre filter.
While it was a great mask in many respects, there were also some downsides. Namely, it was a very large mask and although the headbands provided a great fit, they could make the device hard to don. While these weren’t an issue for everyone, they could make the mask cumbersome to wear – especially for individuals with smaller faces.
Recently, however, R-Pur has launched a new mask that looks to be very promising. That mask is the R-Pur FiiT Mask, a device redesigned from the ground up. Other than the brand, there is nothing to indicate that this mask comes from the same company that created the Nano Light.
With the FiiT Mask, R-Pur has promised significantly increased breathability, a better performing nanofibre filter, and a modular design with a customiser for anyone wanting to create the most stylish mask around.
However, while all of these advantages are great, what made me curious to try to FiiT Mask was the promise of an easier to wear day-to-day mask. I largely praised the Nano Light in my review, however, I find it a hard mask to use in daily life due to the size and fitting mechanisms of the device.
With the FiiT, though, R-Pur looks to have put an emphasis on creating a mask that is not only performant but also easy to wear. For that reason, I can’t wait to share my thoughts on the new FiiT Mask from R-Pur. Anyway, enough rambling. Let’s jump into the review.
This post contains affiliate links. For more information, please refer to my affiliate disclaimer. I was sent a product for review, but the article is not sponsored. All opinions expressed in this post are my honest thoughts. I only recommend products that I genuinely believe in.
Information on this blog is for informational purposes only. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information herein with other sources. Furthermore, this information is not intended to replace medical advice from professionals. This website assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information, and information is subject to change without notice. Devices mentioned on this website are not medical devices and do not guarantee protection.
Before discussing one of the most important aspects of the mask – the filtration – there are a few disclaimers that need to be made. If you’ve already read some of my reviews, you’ll know what I’m about to say. If not, please read on as these are essential to keep in mind.
Firstly, filtration tests represent the theoretical performance of a device. For this reason, it’s vital to ensure that your mask is fitted correctly. If a mask is not fitted correctly and leaks are present, the filtration percentages of the filter will become less relevant as air can pass through the gaps in the seal. For this reason, the fit of a mask is equally as important as filtration.
Secondly, the filtration testing carried out on the FiiT Mask from R-Pur was tested on the filter media as opposed to the mask itself. This means that the filter must be fitted correctly without leaks for the mask to have optimum performance.
Finally, the FiiT Mask has not yet undergone third-party lab testing. The certification process for many standards can take months or even years, and the FiiT Mask has only undergone internal testing at this point. However, I have been told by R-Pur that the FiiT Mask uses the same technology as the Nano Light (a device that exceeds FFP3 requirements). As such, the performance of the FiiT Mask should also be similar.
The internal testing that R-Pur conducted on the FiiT Mask was carried out as per EN14683 (filter breathability based on differential pressure) and EN149:2001 (mask breathability and particle filtration efficiency). This is the same test methodology that is used to certify devices FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3.
Throughout testing, the filter used in the FiiT Mask achieved good breathability results. On a piece of layered filter media, with an area of under 5cm² at a flow rate of 8L/min, the pressure drop was 92Pa/cm² or roughly 9.4mmH2O. While this was a low flow rate (pressure drop increases as flow rate increases), the filter media surface area was also far lower than the full filter size included with the mask.
When tested according to EN149:2001, breathability was impressive. At 30L/min, resistance was 4.2mmH2O, at 95L/min this increased to 14.8mmH2O and at 160L/min resistance was 11.7mmH2O. What this means is that at 30L/min, breathing resistance was significantly better than the standard N95 respirator. As the flow rate increases, so too does breathing resistance. However, it always stayed within the standard specified by EN149:2001.
The FiiT Mask has a single exhalation valve located in the centre of the mask. This valve is an exhalation valve, meaning that it allows exhaled air to pass through the mask unfiltered. This decreases breathing resistance on exhalation but also means that the mask does not offer two-way filtration. While this won’t be an issue for air pollution protection, the valve should be blocked for viral protection as two-way filtration is key to preventing the spread of diseases. A valve blocker is included with all FiiT Mask purchases.
In real-world use, this indicates that at lower breathing rates, the breathing resistance of the FiiT Mask is excellent. While breathing resistance does increase at higher flow rates, this increase in resistance will only be noticeable when breathing heavily and regularly, such as when exercising. If you plan to wear this mask during daily life, breathability is excellent. When exercising, breathability is good but lower than masks such as RZ Industries’ M2 Mesh Mask.
When it comes to filtration efficacy, testing was carried out as per EN149:2001. As mentioned, this is the same particle filtration efficiency standard that FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 respirators are tested against. This means that test conditions are the same and the results are directly comparable to other FFP rated respirators.
In these test conditions, filtration of > 99.5% was found across five samples. This means that the FiiT Mask is capable of filtering the vast majority of particles and is comparable to the best reusable masks. This also means that, in regards to filtration, the FiiT Mask offers better performance than the majority of the best disposable masks.
It is also mentioned on R-Pur’s website and over the packaging that the mask is effective against particles down to 50nm due to the electrostatic nanofibre filter. While I can’t confirm this, this is likely true as filters tend to filter smaller particles more efficiently than larger particles (to a point) due to the MPPS (most penetrating particle size) phenomenon.
Among the eight layers used in the filter, an activated carbon filter is included. This layer allows filtration of volatile organic compounds, odours, and more. This is a nice addition as there is no downside to the addition of an activated carbon layer. However, it is worth noting that activated carbon is only effective against some chemicals.
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Fit is where I found the FiiT Mask to shine (perhaps the name suggests that?). Before discussing why I need to make another disclaimer. The thoughts shared in this section are purely my experiences – I can not determine what your experiences will be, and they will likely differ.
Every person has a different face with different facial features. As such, the fit and seal of a mask are highly dependent on the individual in question. Even though a mask may or may not fit me, the same can’t be said for everyone. Rather, in this section, I will share my thoughts and experiences in the hopes that they can assist you in making the right purchasing decision.
For reference, my face is small for an adult male and I tend to wear smaller masks. My nose is quite sharp, and this often makes it hard for me to seal masks around the bridge of my nose.
As I alluded to, the FiiT mask fit me well. While it didn’t fit as well as a silicone mask such as Envo Mask, Gill Mask, or even Castle Grade’s G-Series (which for me was a poorer sealing silicone mask), it did seal better than the majority of reusable cloth masks that I have tried.
From my own personal use, I would say that it is better fitting than masks such as the AusAir AirWeave, Bilio Kangaroo Mask and Vogmask. Rather, it sits on a similar level in regards to fit as the AirPop Original and Active masks that both sealed well for me.
However, this good seal is not achievable without the addition of the included pieces of memory foam. R-Pur decided to include two pieces of memory foam (one thicker piece and one thinner piece) in the FiiT Mask package. These are intended to be used by the wearer if the mask doesn’t seal well without them.
In my case, I found that the mask wouldn’t seal around my nose at all without the memory foam. Luckily, adding the foam was very easy and took only a minute. After adding the thicker piece, I found that the mask sealed well for me.
While I do appreciate the inclusion of the strips of foam, I don’t know why they weren’t added to the mask itself. While allowing the customer to attach the strips does allow for some adjustment in regards to fit, I question the longevity of the foam strips being added by the user compared to being added during manufacturing.
R-Pur offers two sizes – XS/S and M/L. I opted for the XS/S as this was what the guide on their website suggested would be the best size for me. Although I haven’t been able to compare it to the M/L, I believe that the guide’s suggestion was correct as the smaller size feels like a good fit.
Even when wearing the mask with glasses, I found there to be little fogging if any. Whenever fogging did occur, it was easy to adjust the mask to the point where leaking ceased. While I didn’t experience any leaks during my time with the mask, I believe the bottom of the device would be the weak point for leaks.
Due to this, this is not a mask that should be worn by anyone with facial hair. This is a common issue across masks, however, and isn’t a disadvantage of the FiiT Mask – there are few masks that seal well even on wearers with facial hair.
Overall, I was impressed with the fit of the FiiT. This is one of the best fitting reusable masks that I have tried and even when exercising or otherwise active it stayed in place well.
When it comes to the fit of the filter, there is also little for me to complain about. The filter actually covers nearly the whole surface area of the mask, leaving very little room for unfiltered air to pass through.
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Comfort is another aspect in which the FiiT Mask shines. While it’s not perfect (more on that soon), I’ve found the FiiT Mask to be one of the more comfortable reusable masks that I’ve worn. To compare, my recent day to day mask has been the AusAir AirWeave.
While I really like the AirWeave and find it to be very comfortable, it often suffers from heat issues. As the mask is made from merino wool, I often find that the microclimate within the mask becomes uncomfortably hot on warmer days or even after a few hours of wear on colder days.
Despite being a thick mask also, the FiiT Mask does not suffer from this same issue. While the mask can get warm inside (all masks do), it never becomes overly warm. This is thanks to the valve which is effective at reducing internal temperatures. When the valve-blocker is in use, the mask does become warmer and can be uncomfortably hot during the warm seasons, so that is something to keep in mind.
Other than the microclimate, there are a few other elements that contribute to the mask pillar of comfort. One of them is breathability. As discussed in the filtration section, breathability at lower flow rates (low activity) is very reasonable and even better than many reusable cloth masks on the market.
Even with the valve-blocker in use, breathability for the FiiT Mask is comfortable and breathing is never laboured. With or without the valve blocked, inhalation breathing resistance will remain consistent as air must be drawn through the filter either way.
While not quite as breathable as the RZ Industries M2 Mesh Mask, the FiiT Mask is very breathable and comparable to many other popular reusable masks. Further, when considering comfort overall (as opposed to just breathability), I found the FiiT to be a comfortable device.
However, there is one issue that I found with the comfort of the FiiT Mask. That is the earloops. I’ve always been a big advocate of headbands on masks for both comfort and fit, and the same stands here. While I understand the benefits of earloops – they are more convenient as they provide easier donning and doffing – I find headbands to be a far better fitting mechanism.
Although the earloops on the FiiT Mask are easily adjustable, I found it hard to achieve a fit that provided both a good seal and comfort. With the loop looser, the mask was very comfortable. However, the seal was also a bit loose. With the loop tighter, the mask sealed well, but I found that the loops pulled on my ears and caused a bit of discomfort after wearing the mask for a couple of hours.
This wasn’t the end of the world – I was able to remove the mask for a few minutes when needed, but it’s an easy improvement that I believe could be made to the mask. The current earloops use a soft material, but they are quite thin and narrow. I believe that if these were made thicker they would go a long way toward making the mask more comfortable.
Filter collapse on the FiiT Mask is almost non-existent as the mask has a solid shell that retains its shape. This means that the mask should not interfere with breathing and you should never need to worry about the mask getting in the way of speaking.
If I combine all of these aspects of comfort into an overall view, I would say that the FiiT Mask from R-Pur is a comfortable mask that is easy to wear in day to day life. Breathability is good (with or without the valve), and the microclimate of the mask is very manageable. The earloops are adequate, but improvements could be made as a tight fit is needed to seal the mask, which caused pain behind my ears after a few hours of wear.
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Price & Lifespan
Until this point in the article, nearly all of my thoughts on the FiiT Mask have been positive. However, when it comes to price the big downside of the mask becomes apparent. At $129 for the mask (including a filter, spare earloop, and valve-blocker), this is one of the most expensive reusable masks currently available.
The R-Pur Nano Light also has the same pricing and I identified that as one of the biggest downsides of the device in my review. Unfortunately, the same goes for the FiiT. While the mask is great in many ways, it’s up to you whether the mask is worth the price.
At full price, I would have a hard time justifying the mask over competing products. However, when it drops to under $100 during sales, I think the FiiT Mask becomes a lot more appealing. This puts it in a similar price range to other ‘premium’ masks such as the AirWeave and Airinum Urban Air Mask, and I believe that the FiiT performed better than both.
Outside of the performance of the mask, the quality of the device is great. Even when compared to other high-quality reusable masks, I would say that the FiiT feels higher quality than most. If you are looking for a high-quality and stylish mask that also performs well, the FiiT is ideal for you.
Since the mask is modular, filters and other parts of the mask are replaceable. This means that you should never need to replace the mask itself, but just the filter and parts that get damaged or worn.
Filters start at $18 for a single replacement and packs of three can also be purchased for $57. This price is quite high, but the filters are promised to have a long lifespan – between five and 15 weeks depending on use. This means that over the long run, the FiiT Mask should still come out cheaper than using disposable masks every day.
While it’s hard to calculate the exact cost of the filters since their lifespan can vary so greatly, it’s safe to assume that they will last around 10 weeks on average. With that being said, if you’re using the mask in high AQI areas, expect to have the lifespan of the filter significantly decreased.
While the initial cost required to purchase a FiiT Mask is high, even among premium reusable masks, the cost decreases in the long run. While you will find cheaper masks (such as Style Seal), these masks largely lack many of the advantages of the FiiT Mask.
Learn More & Purchase FiiT Mask
Overall, the FiiT Mask from R Pur is a very solid reusable mask. While it does have some downsides such as the earloops (which can become uncomfortable after a few hours of wear), the device has many advantages. I found the fit of the mask to be great, the filtration is looking promising (but I would like to see third-party results), and the mask allows users to express themselves.
The biggest downside is the price – the mask is expensive. While this extra price tag will be justifiable to many people, there are also many people who will find it unreasonable. Even the discounted price is more than many other ‘premium’ masks on the market.
If the price was decreased I would recommend this mask to anyone looking for a reusable mask for day to day wear. However, with the current price, it’s a harder decision. The mask is high quality, performs well, and looks stylish. With that being said, it’s up to you to decide whether these qualities are demanding of the higher price tag.
If you’ve used the FiiT Mask, or have any questions to ask, please feel free to share in the comments below. I always welcome the experiences of others and I would love to hear what other users think of the FiiT Mask!
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FiiT Mask FAQ
Is the FiiT Mask Certified?
The FiiT Mask does not currently hold any certifications.
Is the FiiT Mask Lab Tested?
The FiiT Mask has currently undergone only internal testing. However, third-party lab testing will hopefully come in the near future.
Where Can I Buy the FiiT Mask?
You can purchase the FiiT Mask from R-Pur’s global website.
What Alternatives Are There to the FiiT Mask?
If you’re looking for another high-quality reusable mask, Airinum’s Urban Air Mask 2.0 and AusAir’s AirWeave masks are worth checking out.
How Does the FiiT Mask Compare to the Nano Light?
Although I believe that the Nano Light fits slightly better than the FiiT Mask, the latter is far easier to wear in day to day life. Along with being much easier to wear, it’s still a very capable mask.
Does the FiiT Mask Use Replaceable Filters?
How Long Do FiiT Mask Filters Last?
FiiT Mask filters have varying lifespans depending on the conditions in which they are used. However, expect a lifespan between five and 15 weeks.
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Hi and thank you so much for your comprehensive reviews! A quick question… Now that both the FiiT and the Nano light have stop valves, which would you personally wear if you had to choose one for extra precaution against Covid and particle filtration?
Is the breathability of the FiiT more warranted or would you say the ear loops are a drawback for all day wear?
Hi Jessica,
Personally, I still see the Nano Light as the more protective mask. It fits me better, and the headbands provide a more secure seal. That said, I think the FiiT is better for day-to-day wear – it’s just so much easier to wear!